Ambien and amnesia? OMG!!?


May 11, 2008
I've been taking ambien CR 12.5 mg for about 3 weeks now and my doctor warned me about the amnesia side effects that it may have. As in taking it and then doing stuff that you don't remember doing. Well last night I took it as I always do but I took it with Luvox CR as precribed by my psychiatrist and she said taking the 2 together wouldnt hurt anything.

Well I smoke cigarettes and I always sit my ash trays on my desk before I go to bed because if I sit them on my night stand sometimes they get knocked over by a pillow. Well I took my meds around 10pm as usual and layed down watched some tv and fell asleep (nothing out of the ordinary) Well I wake up at 9am just like every morning since I've been on Ambien and I'm in a different pair of pjs then what I went to sleep in, my ash tray and cigarettes and lighter are in bed with me and my TV is on. I don't remember doing any of that...I just remember going to bed at 10 like always...has anyone else had this happen to them? I'm scared cause I don't wanna like catch my house on fire if I'm smoking in my sleep in my bed...what should I do? and has this happened to anyone else? I'm a little freaked out by it right now!