
  1. L

    Does america suffer from amnesia? would mitt romney been eleceted be consider...

    ...a rookie mistake? do yoi agree republican is the ones to blame for americas economy crisis? let go back to the days of bush sr. do you think that was the start of all this problens going on on america?
  2. F

    What program can I use to run my downloaded torrent of Amnesia: The Dark Decent?

    I downloaded Amnesia: The Dark Decent as a torrent and when i try to open it my computer asks me what i want to use to open it. Help me!
  3. R

    Is Amnesia The Dark Descent the scariest (popular) game made?

    I played amnesia while skyping my friend. unfortunately he got scared and stopped throughout the game. So i played alone. Is there a game any scarier then this cause i want to play it.
  4. K

    If someone gets Amnesia and forgets that they were a Christian are they still saved?

    what if they become athiest post-Amnesia?
  5. G

    Dave Spoon - Live at Cream Amnesia (Ibiza)-SAT-08-13-2009-TALiON

    Category: Music-MP3 (House) Size: 138.30 MB Files: 9 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon August 24th 09:45:35 UTC Download NZB
  6. M

    Ambien and amnesia? OMG!!?

    I've been taking ambien CR 12.5 mg for about 3 weeks now and my doctor warned me about the amnesia side effects that it may have. As in taking it and then doing stuff that you don't remember doing. Well last night I took it as I always do but I took it with Luvox CR as precribed by my...
  7. H

    Are you still gay if you get amnesia?

    Basically, if you were gay and then you got amnesia, would you still be gay since you would have forgotten everything about your life etc.