Do you think religion shouldn't be forced on kids?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Honestly, I don't believe kids are mentally or physiologically ready for it. I mean seriously, kids are so naive they will believe anything you tell them. Most traditional churches teach kids that they will go to hell if they don't live a certain lifestyle. In essence they are using scare tactics.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in the Bible and am a Christian myself, but I really don't think kids are ready for this type of thing.

Agree or Disagree? Why?
Another point I want to make is, it should be considered mental abuse forcing kids to go to church and scaring them about hell because they didn't obey their parents...
oops sorry i meant psychologically ready.
Religion, like tobacco, should not be given to kids.

You can tell them about religions, but don't cram a particular one into them.
You really have no clue about the love of God, do you? I know of NO church that uses scare tactics.
Who are you to tell any loving parent how to raise his or her child? You're still a child yourself.

How is a child going to learn about God unless he or she does go to church?