Don't you hate people who really discriminate against homosexuals and bisexuals?


New member
Feb 13, 2009
I do. I don't get what they have EVER done wrong in the world? What have they done that deserves discrimination upon them?
I'm a straight male by the way.
I'm not trying to bash Christians, I just want to know what Christians, other religions, and atheist say on this.
if you are a christian you know it is wrong to have sexual relations with another man, or if you are a woman another woman. It also goes against the fifth commandment. "Honour thy father and mother so that thy days may be long in the land the Lord your God giveth you." They cannot be a couple as their cant be two dads or two mothers. So how could God bless this when He forbidden it in the first place. Also why should our children be taught it is normal, then is marriage between a man and woman abnormal, You cant say both are normal.
*Homosexuality is a sin.*
Is this statement your example of discrimination?

Discrimination in the United States is illegal. Where are homosexuals being discriminated against in jobs, housing, etc.? If your only issue is that Christians state, as the Bible does, that homosexuality is a sin, this is not discrimination.
They shouldn't be allowed to marry, adopt children or teach in our schools.

Oh wait...
gays are perverted, they don't believe in god because the bible clear states that marriage is between a man and a women, i think they should be wiped out of the earth.
thank god prop 8 passed!
nope, i dont hate anyone, but it does bother me when ppl dont mind thier own business and worry about what everybody else is doing with their own bodies and their own personal life...
I am christian and hate it.Because of one teaching the world was brain washed.They can be good people just deluted
Yes it really upsets me because I am gay. I just want to live my life and share the same rights as straights because like you said, what have I done to deserve discrimination...besides liking men instead of women. Who really cares? I think a lot of people who discriminate are closet cases themselves and hate on us to make themselves feel better.
I am a Christian and I don't think they deserve discrimination no one does. The Bible clearly does state that it is wrong in the eyes of God but I do not think that people have the right to judge anyone only God has the right to do so!
I don't hate them, but I hate that they hate them and discriminate against them. Who are we to say that who they are is wrong.