Christians, Do you think people can be overweight due to the introduction of sin?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Hey guys!
I know this questions sounds weird. But have you ever thought that since adam and eve ate the fruit and the introduction of sin began that people being overweight could be part of thr punishment of sin.
Like pain in childbirth, having to toil the ground, ageing etc.
Do you think god added that to the punishment of sin or do you think its just the result of poor lifestyle choices?

Whats your opinion?
Sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone with the poor lifestyle choices, im obviously aware of other factors such as stress, thyroid problems, psychological disturbances etc.
Sorry if i sounded critical.
Mr Chosen One...That is OT, you are obviously jewish because all christians are aware jesus changed what is clean and unclean, to make everything clean and ok to eat.
I think what you are asking is could the pain of being overweight be a result of the original sin of Adam and Eve. The answer is yes, although the actual physical result of being overweight is due to different factors in different people, such as genetics, over eating, etc. The original sin caused that problem, and many more that occur to our bodies because although the sin did not create fat, it made our bodies become imperfect. You see, God created man and woman, perfectly. The first man and woman had perfect bodies that would not become diseased, or die. After they sinned, their bodies and everyone after them, became susceptible to death, disease, and every ailment known to man. It not only affected us, but the entire world as well.
No sweetie, it's all natural. It has nothing to do with mythology.

All it takes is some good exercises to burn the fat, but some people are just lazy and don't take care of themselves.
people become fat because of to much fat intake not because someone ate an apple 2k years ago
not everyone who is overweight is so due to lifestyle
but to suggest that it is a punishment , is somewhat cruel
as are the rest of those suggestions

but what do I know
I am not Christian
that is a very good question, and I believe the answer is yes, because we lost the perfect image of God.
America is one of the most Christian countries in the world, it also has a bad obesity problem.
No. The reason why people have become overweight is because they refuse to follow the clean and unclean food law diet God wrote out for all humans to follow in Leviticus chapter 11. The clean creatures God wants us to eat are to keep us healthy and fit and the unclean creatures God doesn't want us to eat are for disease prevention reasons that are still unknown to our human medical scientists. So who am I going to believe, human scientists that tell us it is OK to eat pork the other white meat or God telling me that eating pork is like eating poison? Common sense tells me to put my faith in God on what I should or should not eat.
I don't think getting fat is a punishment, I think it's just a natural consequence. Gluttony is a sin, but I don't think it's like God goes "Okay that's it, I'm gonna make you fat!" I think with the introduction to sin, came lust for everything, including food! And when we eat more than our bodies were created to eat, we store it up and get fat. Unfortunately. And I think sometimes Christians especially struggle with food issues, because they control their lust for other things, so it comes out in overeating! I have said many times "If I can't drink and I can't smoke, I have to be able to eat." :)
Having those big fundie families takes a toll on the body. I think Christianity makes you fat.