Why do I argue with my mum so much? She seems so unreasonable all the time. I hate


Active member
May 14, 2008
being at home? It's like a constant battle field. I feel like she really doesn't care for my feelings, yet it's what she says I do.

I really don't want to be hypocritical, so actively try not to be, but even when i try to have a discussion with her she just tells me I'm a child.

It's her favourite comeback. Even when my age is [what i think is] irrelevant [i'm 15 btw] she still shouts at me. and even when we're not having an argument. [but i shouldn't say argument, it's her giving me a row]

for instance, tonight at teatime, she told me on 3 different occasions i'm 15. eg
mum: if morag (my sisters friends mum) likes me then she must like melanie (my sister)

me: well, not necessarily..

mum: what would you know?! you're only a child! you have no idea what happens! Stop thinking you're so smart
it's really tiresome. and she really knows how to annoy me. and does it on purpose. i know i'm not in any way perfect, but annoying someone for the sake of annoying someone seems no more than idiotic and childish.

i try hard to keep quiet but when she sits there a tries to offend me as much as possible it' really hard.

she talks about me all the time to her friends and really exaggerates what i do. [eg. me standing still so she could tear through my room miraculously morphed into me attacking her] so i seem 10x worse than i am.

i can't talk to anyone. i feel so alone. mum won't talk to me. please don't tell me to catch her in a good mood cos there's 2 problems with that; 1) she's never in a good mood, 2) me speaking to her about this stuff puts her into an angry mood no matter what

my sister, melanie, always sucks up to mum, takes her side all the time, no matter how unreasonable she's been. even though when mum has a go at her, i'll stand up for who i think is most in the right.

mum cares for about how tidy my room is than whether or not i can meet an essay deadline. she doesn't recognise how much effort i put ito my schoolwork- [eg. you were at home all sunday, why is you're desk not tidy? eh, i spent all sunday writing an essay, completing 2 pages of maths, a computing exercise, revising for a chemistry exam...]