
  1. D

    Is my girlfriend being unreasonable for making me watch the "Otis and Milo" DVD?

    Is my girlfriend being unreasonable for making me watch the "Otis and Milo" DVD? She thinks it will be the beginning of a sweet Saturday afternoon for us. I'm wondering what she has in mind exactly.
  2. D

    Since women universally have such unreasonable standards for men they will have

    casual sex with...? ...would it be safe for me to assume that any average or just straight unattractive man I ever hear talking about the sex he had last night is lying? Because I've heard some rather unappealing men speak of their one night stands.
  3. T

    Proposed Regulations Will Help To Avoid Unreasonable Health Insurance Premium Increas

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released proposed regulations that will require health insurers to justify their high premium increases and help keep insurance affordable for policyholders. The following is the statement of Ron Pollack, Executive Director of Families USA, on the...
  4. T

    Wife is being unreasonable - Going to lose vacation deposit?

    My wife's grandfather, who raised her from birth passed away yesterday. While I am upset, I am not a believer in big funerals. His funeral is on Thursday. Unfortunately my wife and I were planning a second honeymoon in Hawaii for Christmas. Our flight leaves on Wednesday. My wife want to go...
  5. Z

    Is it unreasonable to cook a turkey and freeze it to get by?

    I have celiac disease and I couldn't think of what to cook.. a little problems with money. I was thinking about just cooking a turkey since they are everywhere, slicing it up for.. whatever I decide it should be sliced for and then living off Thanksgiving. Because Thanksgiving: Turkey, mashed...
  6. M

    All good leaders are very reclusive and very unreasonable. How do I get that out

    onto the floor of Congress? I want to find out the reason for their wrongness. Have they been cloned? Are they infiltrators? Are they stupid/ bewitched? They are all worthless so they choose to be reclusive. And, I thought only North Korea had awful leaders. According to the Bible, these guys...
  7. J

    Am I being unreasonable? (bisexual question)?

    I am pregnant with my bf's child, but I am (and always will be) way more into women. My bf does not have the sex drive that I would desire. I have been really missing being with a woman. He has known that I am bisexual, but up until just recently he did not want to think about me being with...
  8. M

    Could i complain about an unreasonable tardy?

    Tardy really means nothing, unless your school tallys them up and they 'turn' into absences, and too many absences means failure. Well my school did that anyway... and I was late almost every day. AND I failed my 12th Gr English course 1st and last quarter... shouldn't have been able to...
  9. J

    Xbox Am I Being Unreasonable ?

    My son is waiting for an operation and cannot walk far. He wastes his time playing his xbox for 12=15 hours a day. The electric is costing a fortune as he has a 37" tv as well. After 12 hours i disconnect him then he plays it 'not live'. I think it should be much less than that, this cannot be...
  10. S

    Am I being unreasonable asking my Husband to help?

    Hello, I would like some honest answers please!! I am a SAHM of a 2 1/2 yr old, and a 6 year old who goes to school. My Husband leaves for work at 7.30 am and arrives home just before 4.00pm. He absolutley loves his job and is doing really well at it. I have asked him to do 3 things for me which...
  11. A

    Why do I argue with my mum so much? She seems so unreasonable all the time. I hate

    being at home? It's like a constant battle field. I feel like she really doesn't care for my feelings, yet it's what she says I do. I really don't want to be hypocritical, so actively try not to be, but even when i try to have a discussion with her she just tells me I'm a child. It's her...
  12. A

    Am I unreasonable for asking my husband to give up his Blackberry?

    He refuses to give up his Blackberry even though it is costing us $30 extra a month for him to have it (due to the cost of the internet on it which you cannot remove). I gave mine up to save money and feel it is not fair that he won't. He doesn't need it for work or anything, he just uses it...