Bizarre Sleep Schedule - Is it unhealthy? I sleep for two separate 3hr periods a


May 13, 2008
day...? Alright well I'm an 18 year old male high school student, and for some reason over the years I have developed this bizarre sleeping schedule whenever school is in session (Sept - June).

First I would just end up going to bed later and later, however now it has gotten to the point where it's routine for me to come home at 2pm, take a 3hr "nap" from about 4pm-7pm, and the actually fall asleep again from 3:30am-6:30am where I then wake up for school.

I sleep like this ONLY on school nights (Sunday to Thursday night). However, on Friday and Saturday night I typically "catch up" on lost sleep by sleeping a good 10-12 hours those nights. Obviously I don't nap during those days.

I'm just wondering though, is this unhealthy at all? I mean I am able to function and I feel fine, but I know it's definitely unique. Please let me know about any precautions I should be worried about.

Basically what I'm also curious about is if when doctors say to get 8-10 hours of sleep a night does that mean it has to be done in one period? Even though I may end up going to sleep for school at 3:30am, you have to consider the time I slept when I got home from school as well, no?