what is a good website to buy cheap CDs? like Columbiahouse for music?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
looking to buy a bunch of cds for cheap, something other than ebay. more like columbiahouse, where you buy a lot and you get a deal - any suggestions?
I usually prefer eBay...but since you are searching other than that...you can get it through other sites...be sure they are legit because online shopping can become tedious if they are not done with caution steps.To check whether a site is legit usually, I do follow a simple checklist to see how well they do, especially when I need to part money with the site;

1) Does the site have a current SSL certificate?
2) Use WhoisXY.com to check the whois information and check whether the contact information matches with the one in the website.
3) In the domain contact details, is there a valid email address.
4) Is there a valid phone number visible, and does it work ?
5) Go through review about them using
Webutations.org and check whether they are scam free.

If I am satisfied with the result then I purchase a small priced article and if it is delivered safely and promptly then I go to purchase my desired product. You also can follow the steps that I do...In general, anyone who is trying to do legitimate business on the web will go out of their way to try and make it clear that they are legitimate. So if a site has not even done the bare basics to give customers enough confidence to buy they're products, then it is almost certainly some sort of scam.
If you have specified..as what CD's you are particularly searching for like the music genre/singers...it would have been more useful to help you accurately.