which do you prefer ? Records , CD's , or Ipods ?


Jun 1, 2008
The heck with Cassettes and 8 -Tracks.

Which do you prefer ?
A big black round vinyl disc
A little around silver plastic disc
or a small rectangle shapped thing with a screen on it that holds up tp 2,000 songs , 6 hours of video , pictures ,etc ?

There's something cool about vinyl though. A record is more than just a music format. It's ART. The record's cover is art. The dust jacket. The music is ART.

Those 40 + year old Beatles records you dad / grampa owns are like paintings. They're worth a lot of money. They're ART.

CD's are made out of plastic. The cases crack and fall apart. They feel disposable.

Ipods are like walk men.

Cassettes and 8-Tracks were only something for the car. So , they mean nothing.