Which do you prefer? Rocky or The Karate Kid?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I really like both franchises, and both were made by the same director, too. Both are easily comparable, I thought, since they both have really similar story lines.

Recently, me and my friend had a little argument over which franchise is better. He prefers Karate Kid but I prefer Rocky. I love both, but I hate it when people say Karate Kid is better.

It's just me, but Rocky inspired me a lot more than Karate Kid did. Thus, I thought characters such as Apollo and Mickey were better than Miyagi and Johnny. Rocky is somewhat darker than Karate Kid, especially Rocky 4. And I also liked Rocky's music better than Karate Kid's, though both were awesome.

I just wanna know, what are your thoughts on this?


My opinions on both franchises:

Rocky: A great original. Not my favorite, but it was wicked awesome.
Rocky 2: This was my favorite Rocky because he won! I don't know why people say this is the worst Rocky, but I loved it.
Rocky 3: Very good, especially the part having Mr T in it.
Rocky 4: This one was probably the most inspiring to me, and it was also the most serious of the 6 movies. Loved it.
Rocky 5: This one was the worst ever, and it was supposed to be the last episode. (back then)
Rocky Balboa: It brought back memories of the first Rocky, making it simply amazing.

As for Karate Kid

The Karate Kid: This was the best one, the original. Daniel and the crane kick just owned.
Karate Kid: Part 2: Nyeh, half-decent. It was a lot darker than the first one, but not my type.
Karate Kid: Part 3: I didn't like this one one bit. Don't ask why.
The Next Karate Kid: I haven't watched this yet and neither do I plan to. It was probably the worst one by far.

P.S No spammers or trolls, or you'll be blocked and reported. Idiots.
Both really good but my favorite would have to be Rocky because it has such more depth in the raw emotion, also he kicks a lot of butt.
I bet you know that they are making a remake of the karate kid which hopefully they don't ruin the series like the sequels that followed the original. Also they are making a Rocky 7 after they are done filming Rambo 5 and if you're a Rambo fan then you'll like that there is also going to be a Rambo 6.