She's ignorant, selfish, conceded, and clueless. What do you think? (read my rant)?


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I used to have this "best friend" who I used to tell everything too. I've always had a vibe that she'd be always taking the information I've been telling her for granted. Telling me that "you're my best friend in the world .." BS like that (I really don't believe in best friends, there are close friends, and there are friends, then acquaintances). So between the 4 years that we've known each other.

This girl starts to cake on the make-up. Addict herself to Facebook, take thousands of pictures and post them on Facebook as well. She also makes her voice even higher then it actually is. Plus she's those kind of girls that use WAY too much slang on the internet, then she does in real life, if she does use it, it comes out un-natural and awkward. For instance "Yessir, Chyea, BRAP!" .. oh man.

So anyways since high school has mellowed we haven't spoken to each other. Quick flashback; me and her and a couple of my other close friends / not any more. Were in those very childish groups that you make with your first initial of your name so "jerkss". The girl I'm talking about wouldn't even let us consider the fact of constructive criticism if we wanted to tell her something about her make-up being too much (eyeliner.. :| oh Lord) Or how skinny she is, because pffft of course friends tell their friends about their body, she was just really skinny, and she barely ate. Not even lunch.

So then she started getting all these friends, by being "nice" (Pretty much two-faced, you should know how it is) and by giving people stuff who she barely even knew. She uses her excuse of being nice to other people to not have any time for me and my friends. My other friend went to a different high school, so she doesn't know how it is anymore.

I've vented to her about mostly all of my problems between friends, and she's vented to me probably twice as much. But she can't even consider talking to me at least saying hi, to me or my friends? She says on Facebook, (Facebook because she can't say this to my face or my friends faces) that we are "always" there for her if she'd be in a bad mood. So I commented back "We're always there for you, yet you don't even have to time to talk to us." She deleted that note, because she obviously doesn't want her "new" friends to see :cool: whatever.

And in a recent note she wrote

"I've realized that I lost many bestfriends, but gained them too.",

"the people who I cared about the most, (I still care about them) but noticed how much they **** me off, when I haven't done anything to them." (Right because you HAVEN'T done anything to us, not a word but we WERE there for you when you needed some support),

"Everyone's equal, no one is more special, or has more advantages to me.I realized its stupid to have catorgorize your friends, everyones just equal, and no higher then anyone else." (I'm sorry but do you think I want your attention and friendship after all of this BS? )

"I really miss them , but I can't do anything about it now.
its ethier one or another being my top priority .. It's hard to make them be equal =( but I wish I could.. I should try at least .. but they don't want me back .." (OH soft!)

I forgot to mention that she only uses my friends and the group of people I hang out with as rebounds when she can't find her "new friends" She's had more then 9 boyfriends, and girl is only in the 9th grade. She worries about what people think about her, and go off about it on her notes. But unlike her I rather not tell her to avoid the amount of gossip and confrontation I would get from her unnecessary friends. She's soft, and she has no influence of defending herself because when I tried to tell her to stop being two-faced and to stop being nice to people (because you can only be nice up to a point) she would only use the excuse of people "hating" on her for being "mean".

So now she has all the fake friends any fake two-faced girl could ask for. She photo shops her pictures and blurs out her blemishes. All she does at the caf. is run around talking to people, she's what you would call a "social butterfly" but the one's that don't have a grounded perspective on life. I'd like to give her a reality check on life, but I know.. oh I KNOW, that I would be likely to swear at her, more then I would be able to be calm about this situation. She's caused me to hate her a lot more then I would hate Stephen Fowler. LOL. But none the less, she has a problem. And I might even have a big enough problem if I don't get this off my back soon. At least she thinks or knows she's happy. I'm too much observant about people's behaviors and it really bothers me.

I'd like to know what I should do, what do you think of my behavior towards this? And what do you think of hers? I don't want you guys to hate her, because ya'll don't know her. But if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

I'm open to any kind of comments, and answers.
Kim - good advice - I really hope she does turn out in to a better person then into the person she was before. & whoever thumbs downed your answer is a complete idiot, so I gave it a thumbs up just to even it out. Thanks
*I've posted this question to other categories looking for different types of advice.
(I really don't believe in best friends, there are close friends, and there are friends, then acquaintances). <--- me too.

She's had more then 9 boyfriends, and girl is only in the 9th grade.
that's her problem
and don't worry about this as long as she doesn't d osomething sexual with every guy.

I used to have a friend like this.
I just dropped her (and so many of her friends dropped her too)
but she started to realize (on her own) what she's become.
and when we became friends again she was still sorta fake but i had a talk with her and she realized that REALLY needed to change.
and she did change.
not back to who she was
but to a new better person
and now we are closer than before


you should talk to her (cursing and all)
you could stop talking to her
and get on with your life.