What do you think about the 8 year-old Atheist girl on YouTube who ranted

against Bill O'Reilly? :)? In case you haven't seen it, here's the link )))

I loooove how she said "Religion has the genocide of nations!" )))
She's so CUTE! :D
I really hope someday when i have kids, I can raise my daughter to be just as smart and quick-witted as her ))))

Your response? )
I would *definitely* raise my daughter to be like her, only she'd know more facts about biblical and koranic fallacies to justify her facts about this "all-Loving" sky daddy
Although her message is true I disagree with this video.

First off when doing this to little children who do not have the mental capacity and the knowledge to understand what they are saying I consider that using the child.

And that does not make us better then the parents sending their kids to 'Jesus camp'

We 'know' atheism is true, and religious people 'know' religion is true.
If this is right to do, then sending kids to jesus camp is too.

Because it allows the parents to insert their own opinions on religion.
As charming as any 8-year old who confesses Jesus Christ as her lord and saviour.

I suspect a little coaching here.

8-year-olds need to be playing with Barbie dolls and My little ponies. Not worry about the Bill o'Reilly's of this world.
Although I completely agree with what she says, its pretty clear that she's been indoctrinated by her parents. I don't approve of the religious, political, or ideological indoctrination of children.

Edit: Morganie4, Hitler was not an atheist.
She was used as a pawn for another person's beliefs. I disagree with such methods used by both theists and atheists. She does not comprehend what she is speaking of..

It is not the worst thing in the world, but it is fairly lame that adults use their children to spread their message.

I love the song at the end though.
She's a great little actress with an awesome ability to memorize a script! She obviously is reciting a speech and I doubt very much she wrote it herself. I think the parents had big hand in this video. It should get a lot of commercial work for their little actress.

Good, anti-religious points though! LOL
She sounds like a spoiled brat and if she gets away with this now, what will she do later? I guess you are amused since you hate Bill O'Reilly?
Make sure your kids no about the genocides committed by atheists in the name of communism. Which I should mention far out number all religions combined. And in less than a hundred years.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Book_of_Communism Awe why the thumbs down? Does the truth make you uncomfortable?
The real holocaust is the death toll from religious killing, but you're not allowed to mention it because religion keeps the common people quiet.
I think she's positively adorable. I just want to give her a giant hug for being so cute and hilarious.
"Religion has the genocide of nations!"

You know we could call the movie "Atheist Camp" :)

edit: Heh this is an actress lol
She is very well coached. That script she had memorized was definitely written by an adult.
She's cute but I have to agree with some of what others have said regarding turning their kids into puppets that have no idea what they are saying.

I find it distasteful
So, setting up your child to say your opinions is a good thing? What, was the person too afraid to voice them theirself? So, instead they put their 8 year old child on Youtube to bad mouth religion with a bad mouth indeed. Great parenting there.
would be even funnier if ur child grew up to be a christian but oh how glorious.
this girl may be funny cute..oh i liked how they cut the tape so they can tell her what to say..thats evil in the making.

i will pray that this girl grows up to be a good christian instead of cursing like that.
nice parents i must say..yep..NOT!!
I LOVED iT... AWESOME. And people who say we should not let our kids speak that way, or hold opinions in regards to religion I say "You Hypocrite!!"

The only thing I worry about is that the little girl is visible to all those crazy religious psychopaths. She will have to go into hiding. They will cop a lot of damage from christians.