What do you think about the 8 year-old Atheist girl on YouTube who ranted

She sounds as brainwashed as the children of religious people. All she was doing was spewing stuff that her parents and other adults had programmed into her head without real true comprehension. Sad really.
She was a paid actor to promote the band "the bastard fairies"

That being said, she's cute as hell.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

And to that Child Rights advocate on O'Reilly's show:

Shut up you windbag.

And how does one know that this girl doesn't understand what she is saying? There are some very intelligent 8 year olds out there. To say she doesn't understand is pure speculation. The possibility is there.
She is just as scary as an 8 year old saying Bible verses and telling us we have to believe.
I do not understand using kids this way. Just let kids be kids. You have something to say, great....say it.....Don't shove it down your kids mouth so that they will be considered "cute" when they regurgitate it.
And you think Christians are the only ones who indoctrinate their children to their beliefs !!!

An 8 year old child does not have mental fortitude to make those kinds of statements and know what she is talking about. Won't be long before this poor little girl is going to be on Yahoo Q/A ranting about how God doesn't exist and how Religion has ruined the World...yet, like so many on here, won't have a clue about what the real truth is.

So sad.