Are atheists so focused upon overturning religion that they risk


New member
Dec 29, 2008
throwing the babby out with the bath water? So to speak…Religion does have some benefits and if all religion is abolished, all these benefits will go too.
I'm not trying to rid the world of religion.

I'm trying to keep it out of politics, schools, and having it pushed on people.

Anyway, babbies are for eating, not for batheing.
Yes. I don't want to ignore the power of the myths that shaped our civilization. I just don't want to say one set of myths is more powerful than another. Also, there are benefits to having a shared set of myths to form a community around, to meet and discuss, to have cookies and coffee with, to organize community service activities around, a center for the dibursement of charity where you know the people who are doing the distributing and no how much or your charity dollar is truly going toward charity, not to mention all the art, architecture and music that various religions have inspired over the centuries. As long as the dogma is kept in check, and the whole God business kept in perspective, it can be a babby we don't want to toss OR eat. Just look at the way UU congregations function (when fundamentalist Christian wackos aren't opening fire upon their children during a singing performance).

Although, I'll always keep a warm spot in my heart for WC Fields, who, when accused of not liking babies, said, "Madam, I love babies, with a light garlic sauce and a good bottle of white."

Of course, that still leaves the eternal question:

How is babby formed? How girl get pragnent?

Ohh, the instainity.
If you are to accuse us of throwing the baby out with the bath water, should you not first provide evidence that there WAS a baby.?
I assume you're talking about morality or something like that? Different non-spiritual systems have morality as a component. Secular humanism believes people should act for the good of humanity, and that all moral values come from humans themselves. I think that's a perfectly acceptable moral system that has nothing to do with religion.
I could care less about overturning religion. Just keep that crap out of my kids science classroom and we won't have a problem. Is that really to much to ask?
Please list the benefits....

Are you arguing that people would not be moral or altruistic if religions ceased to exist? That all good comes from religions and not humans themselves? Humans who have kept religions alive and who created those religions. Would most people lose hope and kill themselves?

Where poverty exists, a belief in God/gods or a heaven or beliefs of an afterlife must be prevalent. This is not because believing in it brings some sort of good to the people, but because believing in a God and an afterlife is a survival mechanism.
that's true. but atheists i've seen are pretty open minded about the benefits of religion, as long as they are verifiable and tangible. as with everything of human construct, there are good and bad sides. you really have to pick what's best for you.
Most of them are unaware that they grew up in a society where the Christian faith has had a great influence on society. They will say that morals come from humans, but in societies where their is no religious influence, many think it is quite moral to feast on other humans. They refuse to see that charity, and helping others is a Christian idea. Even the ones who have grown up without religion in their personal lives don't realize that the people who raised them had some kind of religious influence in their life. They do not realize that they had teachers, coaches, scout leaders, and many others that took time to help others were influenced to do so by their religious convictions.
Can you name for me one of these benefits that could not also be accomplished by a secular person or institution? In other words it is not necessary to lie to ourselves about what we can't possibly know in order to do good.
haha. whats a babby? sounds delicious!!!!!!!!

please expand on these benefits you reference, they intrigue me.
The fundamental flaw when atheists argue for abolition of religion, is that atheism is a religion.

Religion is not the problem - it is false religion that causes problems. False religion is anything that denies Jesus Christ is the Son of God and salvation is by grace through faith in Him being the sufficient sacrifice for our sin.
All those benefits can be delivered without organized religion. I don't need a religion to convince me to give help to a charity or to help someone in need.