Are atheists so focused upon overturning religion that they risk

Are we focussed in overturning religion?

Why do I never get these memos?

There is not a single benefit that religion provides that would disappear if religion was to disappear. Not one.
A true atheist will never throw out a babby with the bath water.

Why throw away what can be eaten?

(There are starving atheists in africa, can't let a good babby go to waste you know...)
What benefits? As Robert Ingersoll said, (paraphrasing): Religious people who are good credit their religion with their goodness, but, really, those people would be good anyway.

We will still have love, friendship, altruism, purpose, drive, joy, etc., even without religion. Contrary to popular misconception, atheism is not all joyless hedonism.

~Atheist, ex-fundie-Xian, former New Ager
Name any benefits of religion that cannot be achieved without it. Religion did not create good and bad - man was defining those long before the first holy book was ever written, before the first law was put in the books.