Has anyone had the Mirena IUD fall out?



I checked a couple weeks ago and could feel my strings. Well I checked again in the shower yesterday and they felt a little longer and when I touched the string it sent a shooting pain through my uterus into my belly. I had my boyfriend check to see if he could feel it because he never could before and he could and the same thing happened (the pain). I was just wondering if anyone had one fall out. Its MLK day so I cant get ahold of my doc. Plus I dont have insurance so I have to go to the womens health center, but again its closed. Im just wondering if it is falling should I go to the ER or will I be ok for a couple weeks until I can get an appoint at womens health? Just looking for some advice. I know I am going to have to go to the doc. Just wondering signs of it falling out, and the risks to me. If I should wait the couple weeks for an appt. Thanks
iud fell out while i was in shower, during my period

i was showering and noticed the IUD string was very low. i wondered if it was falling out so i very gently pulled. OUCH -- i felt a sharp pain. i was having my period so my cervix was dialated and of course slippery with all the mucus and blood. at that point i wondered if it was part in and part out. i gingerly felt inside and there it was - completely out of my cervix. RATS! i really don't want to have another one inserted b/c it was so painful (and i had no drugs during childbirth!) but my husband and i liked the convenience it offered.
I was having a lot of pain at the end of my urination and when I felt for my merina it was almost completlt out of me. I have pussed it back up but still having a lot of pain. We were treating it for a UTI, but know I know why the meds are not working. I am gonna call my doctor today and find out if it has to be removed or if he can just get it back in the right spot. I have loved having mine. I only have a very light 2 day period once every 3 months, and I have lost weight. What did your doc do with yours? Did you have to have it removed?
I had mine for year this month. I had my regular light flow period but then just as I was suppose to be done I started bleeding very heavy (I am talking a super tampon had to be changed every 45 - 60 minutes) with a lot of clots. Five days of this bleeding I passed a large clot and when I got in the shower felt the strings...tugged at them and out it came. I believe it was already out of my cervix and was just sitting between my vaginal walls and also, that the large clot released it from my cervix.
I have had 1 marina and one Paragaurd fall out of me. The Paragaurd fell out after 1 1/2 years, and the Marina that fell out was less than 24 hours after insertion. I guess my body doesn't like the idea of having a foreign object inside.
I am 24 had an iud placed in about 6mths now i was never pregnant but i am a bit concerned about it fallen out like when you are like urinating or maybe in all that clots during my periods how would i know cause i could never feel my strings even right after insertion
I have experienced nothing but pain since the mirena was inserted 7 mnths ago. Every time I tried to see the doctor my period would come on or he would not be there or something always came up. I recently started taking antibiotics for my tooth. Since then I feel like I have lost 10 lbs. Not really but my face is not puffy anymore and my headaches stopped. I'm wondering if I got an infection after the thing was inserted and now the meds are helping. Then all of a sudden my period comes on (I just had it 2 weeks ago!) But this is no ordinary period. I have to use 2 pads and plastic on my bed at night. My insurance changed so I can't go to the same GYN that inserted so I went to my PCP but he won't be back in the country for 2 1/2 weeks! OMG! what do I do? I don't know if I should go to the ER or wait. I don't know if the mirena came out or if it was meds side effects. Please if anyone has info please help!
i had 2 pregnancies resulting in 2 kids. got mirena 5 1/2 months ago. lighter periods after 4 to 6 weeks of bleeding following insertion. 2 weeks ago started period a little lighter but could be normal with mirena. 7 days later more period. 7 more days and got heavy period. next day get up in morning, go to bathroom and mirena in on toilet seat. saw dr same day. she said this could be normal. maybe my body just would do this. she also said using tampons may have pulled enough on the strings to make it come out. so she put a new one in the same day. i did not have pain with expultion. i asume it happend while i slept and i saw when i got out of bed. better luck with this one. and no tampons for a while!
well i have had the same thing happen to me i had the iud in for 5 and a half months and last month the iud was starting to come out i mean my husband told me he felt it and so the next thing io know im pulling it out and man that does not feel to good and after it had came out i had my period for 3 days and that is it and have not had one cents and i dont know what to do
I am so glad this post is so recent...I googles it because I am going through the same crap! Like two weeks ago I couldn't find my strings and was experiencing pg symptoms so I got in to the doc quick. She couldn't find them either and they gave me a u/s. No strings anywhere but iud was still in place. Turns out the cramping and stuff I was feeling were the ovulation cysts on my right ovary which went away after I ovulated. So anyway, I started my period on the 20th and my husband and I did the deed the other night and he said he thought he found my strings but that they felt braided at the that he felt a ring...like he could slip his finger through it (it it were bigger obviously) he could pull on it. So I checked them and I felt strings alright but they felt really long. I have always checked my strings regularly and now I am concerned. They were alawys perfectly postioned outside of my cervix...then they went missing...now they are really long...I think I will be calling my doc tomorrow.
These posts are great, so glad they are recent!
I have had the mirena in for almost two month and had nothing but pain, bleeding and more pain. Plus i have such a sweet tooth it is wrong, i must eat a flake every day!!
I had sex the other night and since then it has been so painful, i can not feel the threats and when i pee man it stings, i also have very painful lumps like the feeling they are on my ovary (bad spelling sorry) very hot hear!
Anyway, the pain is bad and i have slight blood, i am having this dam thing removed, i hate the fact there is metal just in there and it obviously does not agree with me, I have heard of simular people putting on weight, having a sweet tooth and having bad cramps, my bloody GYNO did not advise me of this!!
if anyone is having the same issue or had one perhaps jammed please write back. could be a case of crazy drunk sex!! plus i had an operation in december to remove cancerious lumps..mmmm...not sure.
hopefuly my paranoia will be just down to something elce and not a piece of metal sticking into my cervics or something!
thanks again and please email me if you have issues simular
missmcguire at hotmail dot com
all together, they may not post this dam note!
Went to Dr b/c I was having sharp pain right around my hip bone on my right side. He couldn't feel the strings when he examined me so he had me go for an ultrasound to see if the mirena was still in place. (this is only 6 days after it was inserted). Had the ultrasound no cysts on my ovaries but the mirena was gone. Apparently I passed it and did not realize it. I just thought people should know this, luckily because of the cramping I knew mine was gone but could have gotten pregnant had I not known it was gone! done with the Mirena, had the doctor give me the pill!
I'm so relieved to hear other stories about Mirenas falling out. I'm one of those who can tell when I'm ovulating because of mittelschmertz, but didn't (knowingly) feel the IUD pass through my cervix. For nearly a week beforehand, there was a lot of cramping. I thought it was related to my period. And there was a lot of pain in my pelvis-- but again, I thought that was related to something else (days before, I had restarted my cardio kickboxing class-- thought I'd pushed myself too hard). And ugh the mucus. When I went to the bathroom, it took many wipes to get myself cleaned up. That's when I discovered my mirena strings a lot longer than I remembered. I didn't check for them regularly, but KNEW they weren't supposed to be that close to the outside world. Two days later, when I was finally able to get an appointment to have another mirena inserted, my period started. I barely felt the last insertion 5 months ago. This one made me want to jump off the table it hurt so badly. Anyway, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one with this problem. Hope my story helps someone else out there.
i had my routine annual check up. I had only had the iud in for 8 months. the doctor who did my annual hurt me. a few days later my iud fell out. i was assured i couldnt get pregnant. a new iud was ordered for me. before i could get it put in we found out i was 6 weeks pregnant. guess they were wrong.
what the h*ll

why would you want to give your child a name that would haunt her for the rest of her life. while your are at it why not name your children all after stds? no its not a good namr for a girl. maybe you just are not ready to have a baby.
I had the mirena put in about 2 years ago now. For the last two or three months I have been experiencing spotting to heavy bleeding after sex. This isn't normal for me and I did go to the doctor and they said nothing was wrong. So after having this problem for two or three months, I went to the bathroom and something just didn't feel right so I went to check it and my mirena was just sitting in my vaginal walls. I removed it and now I've been bleeding like crazy. I am, however, going to the doctor today to make sure everything is okay and I'm not pregnant. I'm just glad to see this has happened to other people, because when I called the clinic they said that it was not normal.
Hello, I've had my IUD for about 7 months and the first two months i had really light periods and after that i havent had a normal period its always so light and it last one day or less. I'm a lil worried cus i could never feel my strings for my IUD. was wondering when your iud moves out of place or comes out is there pain or any kind of symptoms i should feel. Is it normal that i have no periods?? and can having rough intercourse make the iud fall out? Has anyone ever had this happen?
I have been having cramps for the last few days. I always checked my IUD....about once a month....I checked for my IUD about 2 days ago and could not feel the strings. I thought maybe they are just hiding and I will check again in a couple days......which happens to be today. I was having a lot of cramping again, so I went to check it, and the strings were hanging out of my opening.....I flipped out and called Kaiser....they said to go to the ER...I didn't want to spend the money I do not have to go, so I just gave a little tug ont he string and it fell right out. How does it just fall out?? I am panicked!!
Were did my iud go?

I got my iud place in january 2009, this is june 2009, it has been 6 months. i have 3 living chidren they are 5,2, and 10 months, and we dont want any more kids right now. In april i started my 1st period, and i had no problems, since then i have had nothing except problems. So i finally gave in and called my doctor and got a appointment, i went in and he couldnt find my strings, nad he never cut them. But they were gone. my husband has never felt it at all! And i haven't ever been able to find them eathier... So now i go for a u/s on tuesday and not sure what to expect any one got any advice???? My husband and i are scard!!
mierna issuse

I think mine fell out cause I can't feel my strings anymore. my husband wants me to take a pregnancy test in the morning. he really doesn't want anymore kids. I pray it didn't fall out. if it did I'll get another one. I think we have too much hard deep sex. I really wish my period would come on as well. this is BS!