Why do anti-gay Christians take such pride in being...? ?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
...bigots and liars?
It's not name calling if it's true. Is it name calling to say that George Bush is a man and a Christian?
Paulywog: I read the Bible. The New Testament says nothing about committed and loving same sex relationships. NOTHING.
Elaine: I am straight. And you are a bigot.
The Pope told them to be, because he believes the truth will set people free. Who's truth?

I call it senile dementia or too much homemade booze.
Why do gays take such pride in there perversions? Is it natural to have thoughts about having sex with little kids, or with animals? If not then why should i believe its natural to want to have sex with the same sex? Its perversion, and christians dont hate gays they hate the sin which is perverse and wrong.
thank you for distingushing between anti-gay christans and christians
if these so called christians would read the bible they would find that we are supposed to love everyone, not hate because theyre different
afterall, it isnt our place to judge
I am a THINKING christian, and I have to say it is because the are just a**holes who feel so bad about themselves that they have to demene others.
Because they think they're right, even though they have no business being involved with other people's personal business. I don't think they'd like it very much if I started harassing them for things they do in their bedrooms. But it's perfectly okay for them to do it to me.
why do antichrist------ian liberal incomps know how to read a bible and make their education and the govn`t for their own problems instead they should pick up the book and learn something about common sense? It says gayness is evil it doesn`t say anything about hate,
Where do we lie when we say God said a gay is a abomination in his sight,,because he did,,
where do we lie when we say we agree with God and say it,s bad
I am not a bigot or liar, I do tell the truth and if you can't handle
it start being straight.
why do you take pride in such intolerance for others beliefs?

not all people who disagree are bigots and liars.