I hate being a homo. Sometimes I hate myself and want to end it all for being gay,...


Jun 4, 2008
...what should I do? Okay this is a repost due to lame, unhelpful answers. I'm a 20 year old guy. My life really sucks, especially my love life. First of all, I'm in a "relationship" with a girl named Ashley. We're kind of using each other. Ashley is the ONLY person I've ever told that I was gay and I use her as a cover up. I love Ashley in a non-romantic way and I care about her but to be totally honest, she's very "easy" and she lets so many guys use her for sex, like she has NO self-esteem whatsoever. Ashley clings to me because I'm the only man that doesn't treat her like a hoe and we don't even have sex. Actually, we only had sex twice(I didn't like it) and we've been together for three years. We only make out around our family and friends to hide my gayness.

I used to be deeply in love with Ashley's brother(my straight best friend). He didn't talk to me for five months because I tried to kiss him and touch him "down there". But he forgave me and now we're friends again, but I can tell he doesn't trust me the same. By the way, Ashley always knew I liked her brother but I'm over him now.

Last night, I got dumped by somebody I really fell in love with. But I brought it upon myself. In addition to my fake relationship with Ashley, I started dating this 17 year old girl named Jade for like four months. Jade is actually a trannie who hasn't started treatment or surgery yet. So, she still has all the male parts even though she dresses like a woman. She dropped out of high school due to bullying and life is really hard for her. So we fell in love because we spent time together and supported each other. But then Jade started figuring things out. She heard from someone else that I have a girlfriend and she got pissed. But I told her that Ashley and I aren't REALLY together(which is the truth). So Jade left that alone but then she started figuring other things out based on the way we have sex. Last night, she confronted me and she was crying because she wanted me to just admit to her that I see her as a guy and that I'm gay. I denied it but she didn't believe me so she dumped me. I spent the rest of last night crying and thinking of suicide. I hate my life. I hate being gay. It's bringing me nothing but pain. I really LIKED Jade. Why can't she just accept that she was born a guy? Is there any way I can get Jade back? If not, how do I stop being gay?
you have needs just like everyone else.
hating being gay is draining your energy.
stop doing it.
find the love you NEED first!
the sex you WANT becomes icing on the cake.
and stop blaming yourself for everything.
get moving!
oh dude, wow calm down. think of homosexuality as any other sexuality. its just a bit more unique. there is no possible way to change your orientation. i know you probably dont wanna hear it :( and im sorry.
Jade probably is not a man... she has male parts but shes not a man. you need to find other men for you to be truly happy. men who like other men. im sure there is a guy out there destined to be with you. hes probably waiting for you. you just dont know it yet. don't end your life ether... it would be selfish. many people would hurt... just go find someone who is ready for your love. stay close to friends for support...and live a life full of gay love :p good luck. by best wishes are on you! :)

I agree with Max S.!! :D
you shouldn't have to hide who you are. there's nothing wrong with being gay. your making it worse by using all these cover ups your hiding from the truth and that's whats making you hate your self. stop being so sensitive to how other people will feel.
Stop being a worried wart drama queen and learn to communicate with Jade if you want her so bad.

You can't stop being gay, you can live a single life if you want to.
I don't think you hate being gay, I think you hate having to constantly cover it up and pretend to be someone you aren't. I think your life would be a lot easier if you came out. If you think that would be too hard, you can always tell people that you're bisexual instead of 100% homosexual.
Don't try to change who you are. I'm my town, last Saturday a high school not named Jamey killed himself because he was being harassed about being gay. I wish I could have been there to stop him and tell him to accept and love himself the way he is because you can't change who you are. Look at it this way, if you don't love yourself for who you are, then nobody else will either. Be proud of your sexuality, it's what make you you. Good luck, I wish you the best! :)