Why are the identities of the mother and stepfather of Baby P being kept secret, but


New member
Nov 17, 2008
not the lodger? I live in Ireland, so I hadn't seen as much about this gut wrenchingly awful case until I went to the UK for the weekend. I have no sympathy for the scumbags who perpetrated this vile crime, I think that the death penalty should be reintroduced especially for them, either that or they should be beaten every day to find out how it feels ( hopefully this will happen to them when they are sent to prison ), but I can't understand why their identities are being protected while their fellow abuser is named. Anyone?
They have been named and i will post a link if i can find it................http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081117094615AAO23jg&show=7#profile-info-dCfLjE3Daa