Why are secret pictures being taken of me and my friends? (From a car)?


New member
Feb 8, 2012
This has happened 2 times. Me and my friends like to bbq at the community pool area on the weekends. I remember a week or so ago, two men in their car parked near us, rolled down their window, took a picture, and drove away without saying a word. It was weird, but I didnt give it too much thought. Then yesterday is happened agan! Same people. Then after they took the picture they stayed and smoked some cigarettes. It was around 10 at night, so it was just us and them....very awkward. Why is this happening? We werent doing anything bad. We always clean up when we are done, and we dont drink or smoke. Im confused. Help!
These guys are perverts. They are taking pictures of you to pleasure themselves with later. You were likely wearing shorts or otherwise revealing skin or even just tight jeans. When they sit in their car nearby you, they are masturbating. I know because I've caught guys doing this before, once at the beach and once at a park. The cigarette smoking is just to conceal their true activity. You may also see them pretending to talk on their phone while they sit there and masturbate to you. Next time you see them, you should call the police and report them. It will be hilarious to see their reaction when a cop car pulls up behind them!