What do you think of the McCain and Palin "Halloween" decorations in West...


Jun 4, 2008
What do you think of the McCain and Palin "Halloween" decorations in West...

...Hollywood? ? I saw this on the news not too long ago (maybe 30 minutes ago) and I was wondering what you guys thought of it. I personally think it is extremely disrespectful and childish. If anyone were to do that with Obama and Biden it would be considered a hate crime. How come these two "men" didn't get changed with anything when you know that if someone in the same neighborhood did that for Obama and Biden they would be charged with a hate crime?
I don't see myself as a victim. I'm jsut asking a question. I was asking if you thought it was disrespectful or not. Can you please stop whining and answer the dumb question? Thanks.
McCain to wear a holy man dress, because he is going to save us from evil empire of Iran and Korea.

Palin to wear a playboy bunny, because she is sexy! and she is going to help us going to war with Iran and Mexico.

Obama to wear a Saddam Housian outfit because he is Obama Husian.
It is sad. There was also tons of news about the 2 white supremicists "threatening" to kill obama, but how much news was there when McCain recieved possible anthrax...?
Biden would not be a hate crime. Obama would probably qualify given the history of lynching black men.

Having said that, I think it's aweful, regardless of who it is. This is just an election. No one is evil. We all need to just relax.
i think it's tasteless but what do we expect from Hollywood ?

ADD: hopeful, the last man I saw hanged sure as hell wasn't black-
It was Saddam Hussein.
Maybe people should recognize the noose for what it is: a means of execution, instead of wasting their time assigning significance beyond it's use.
Why would McCain/Palin Halloween decorations be disrespectful?

Their presidency 'is' the scariest thing I can think of.
If I did that with an Obama fiqure, I bet the cops, fbi, atf, cia etal would be running over my house with tanks. In fact, I think I will go out today and put one up. I can put a Biden next to him.
Well I think it is funny, and not at all a hate crime, REMEMBER what holiday is coming up! With Obama YEAH that would be a hate crime for sure, and that is why they didn't use him.
Don't play victim. The police would not have reacted one bit differently if the two figures had been Obama and Biden. Your attempt to portray yourself as victim does discredit to the police in West Hollywood.
I feel like it's getting out of control. It's funny how Democrats believe in the First Amendment when it offends Republicans, but otherwise they want to get rid of it.

Regardless of who the decorations are making fun of, it's horrible. It just shows how dumb people are.
Free speech.

Palin considers homosexuality an abomination. If you were so attacked, you would respond in kind.

How do you feel about the virulent and inflammatory comments incited by Palin and McCain against Obama at their rallies?

ashlee: Provide a sourced incident in which Dems want to get rid of the First Amendment.

Check out the hijinks at this Palin rally. Follow the link:
Note how many liberals are screaming "hate crime". None. You are right. If someone just displayed a noose near an Obama sign we would see all the news organizations reporting on it non-stop, wondering why there have been no arrests and proclaiming the death penalty is OK "just this one time". We must accept the fact that libs are hypocrites. They are hypocrites regarding women's rights (look at their arguments against Palin). They are hypocrites regarding minority rights (look at their arguments against Clarence Thomas, Condoleza Rice and Colin Powell when he was Secretary of State under Bush). Not to mention that they think it is OK to take an infant, lay it in a laundry room at a hospital, an let it die.
Poorly executed. Neither looked very much like John or Sarah; I wouldn't have thought it was them had the homeowner not ID'd them as such.
Of course it is disrespectful and childish. but there is little respect coming from the Democratic side.
Poorly executed. Neither looked very much like John or Sarah; I wouldn't have thought it was them had the homeowner not ID'd them as such.