Who do I complain to about Flickr?

Oct 14, 2008
Some time ago "Yahoo Photos" was taken over by Flickr. It was not my choice, and it was not a wise choice. After waiting a considerable length of time for my Flickr account to appear, I found shortly afterward that my account on Flickr was "no longer active" I have written several times to Flickr, asking for an explanation, and asking what has happened to the images stored there. So far they have failed to respond. I find their lack of courtesy and possible technical incompetence most unprofessional. I note that they call themselves the "Flickereenos" reminiscent of Ned Flanders, which brings home to me a possible reason why Homer finds Ned such an irritating twerp.

Naturally, I will not be using a cowboy outift like Flickr, which has such a cavalier attitude and contempt for its customers, again.