Why don't the people who complain about benefits being more than wages give


New member
Jun 27, 2010
up work and claim them themselves? Let me explain why I'm asking this. Please bare in mind, many of you will not like hearing what I have to say but I'm just being honest because this is an important issue which I think needs honesty and people need to understand that the world isn't as black and white as the media portray it to be.

I'm fed up with everyone just repeating what they're TV tells them in regards to benefits. It's judgemental and down right vindictive where everyone has to point fingers and moan that someones getting more than them. SO WHAT? If you haven't realised that life isn't fair yet then you have a lot to learn.
Myself and a growing number of young people morally object to having to provide labour in exchange for the bare necessities to survive such as food, water and shelter. If we could live free without the need for money we would very happily do this however, we live in a capitalist system that is based on human slavery where NOBODY is free. If I could leave this country and live somewhere else for free I would but this is not possible for a number of reasons. The first is you need an expensive passport to leave (which I morally object to anyway), you need to pay for travel and then wherever you arrive, your just inside another prison that's exactly the same as the place you left. We're literally trapped.

No I'm not asking anyone to agree with my belief about society and modern civilisation but this is my belief and just like you deserve to have your beliefs respected, so should I no matter how much you disagree with them. This means the government SHOULD provide the money for people like me to survive on a day to day because we have no choice but to live in this system we don't agree with. And let me tell you, a growing number of people are starting to feel this way as society is fast turning into a VISIBLE prison.

BTW, benefit payments are incredibly small in the UK. They give just enough for the bare necessities. I am not a consumer, I don't buy any meaningless stuff like everyone else, the only possessions I have in this world are a few items of clothing and an old laptop which was given to me. I don't even own a mobile phone. But this is my choice, this is my belief and I have every natural right to believe what I what.
By all means if your happy to consume and live a materialistic life then you will need to provide labour for it because you cannot live this kind of life on benefits and anyone who says you can is lying.