Fallout 3: Vault Boy The Game Cake



Luke spoke of this feeling once. Sure, you can look at pictures of game cakes all day long and feel slightly impressed, but nothing compares to seeing one in the sweet, cakey flesh.
The big cake is called the Bloody Mess cake, and features happy-go-lucky mascot Vault Boy shooting another Vault Boy in the head. YAY! Accompanying this masterpiece were two slightly more mundane cakes, which we were allowed to eat.
The assembled press at the after presser party in Washington DC were in awe of the magnificent creation, which Bethesda's VP of PR and Marketing Pete Hines said was inspired by the Food Network's Ace of Cakes as well as Gamecakes.com. One attending press member was so enraptured they were heard to exclaim, "I want to taste Vault Boy in my mouth." Now that's love right there.
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