Why did NASA quietly revise its figures to show that 1934 is now the warmest year on



record? NASA has now silently released corrected figures, and the changes are truly astounding. The warmest year on record is now 1934. 1998 (long trumpeted by the media as record-breaking) moves to second place. 1921 takes third. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before World War II.
These graphs were created by NASA's Reto Ruedy and James Hansen (who shot to fame when he accused the administration of trying to censor his views on climate change). Hansen refused to provide McKintyre with the algorithm used to generate graph data, so McKintyre reverse-engineered it.
FYI, Antarctic ice levels are at a record high. why are you lying?
If you compare temperatures in the same spot that used to be rural and is now urban, the temperature will go up. You have to compare temperatures in an area whose geography did not change to get meaningful data.

If you want to be picky, vikings grew grapes in Greenland till it got too cold. It's still too cold...
Not sure of the politics behind a silent revision. But I'm sure there is an agenda involved.
The sun has cycles and is the prime motivator in the climate of the earth. We've been hot and we've been cold in the past. It's a cycle that is likely to continue long after we're gone.
Because that would go against the main stream media, Al Gore, and organizations like the Sierra Club's agenda driven global warming alarmist hysteria.

So the temperature has warmed ONE degree over 100 years! OMG!! Yesterday the average temperature was 70, but tomorrow.... It's gonna be..... 71!!

The largest warming trend happened before WWII, but CO2 levels have been increasing since the 50's. So there is no correlation between rising temperatures and more CO2 in the atmosphere.
True, and the pro-global warming proponet NASA scientist in charge of a Texas NASA site is manipulating the charts to try to show that global warming still exists. He changed the graphs to "5 year mean" instead of the traditional graphs that have been used for decades.

A Canadian scientist discovered the error and let a director in Texas make the corrections. The pro-global warming director is trying to spin the new data by changing graphs to "5 year mean".
The Bush administration is leaning on them to fudge the data.
NASA doesn't want to burst the green house gas bubble. No one would want to burst that bubble, and here's why. It all boils down to money, politics, and the planet. You see, many businesses are doing the whole "green thing" in order to make people feel better about their carbon footprint, so they buy all this "green stuff", so to speak. (Even I'm guilty, gas efficient car and energy efficient stuff), so that would be bad for the economy. Secondly, there always has to be some "hot button" debate about something. There are always sides. One accuses that one of this, so on and so forth. BUT, there's a more important issue at hand, our planet. Just because there have been warmer years, doesn't mean it's cool to pollute our planet. We live here, dude. If people don't think it's THAT big of a problem, they'll do less to try to stop the warming effect. It's sly, it's underhanded, but it's in everyone best interest. We've been polluting our planet and using our resources like they'll last forever.
because that change is incredibly insignificant, and has nothing to do with global warming. the argument still stands. global warming deals with MEAN temperature.
I don't know how anyone can doubt that the Earth is warming. Look at the receeding glaciers. Look at the melting ice caps. Look at how the Antarctic ice sheets are moving faster than ever as they melt.

EDIT: Sea ice is increasing because the ice sheets are melting and sliding into the sea at rapid rates, just as I said.