Can you speculate as to why 2007 is not going to be the new warmest year on



record as predicted? In the presence of record high CO2 levels, what is the mechanism that has prevented record warming?
How can we trust these predictions?
there is always variation , its just the general upwards trend that is being predicted not every year. there could always be factors that were not accounted for such as volcanic eruptions or changing of the currents so it imposable to predict anything perfectly.
CO2 doesn't mean its going to be warmer.
Any emission takes at least 600 years to reach the O-Zone, because of density.

earth might just be going through another warm cycle.

My father remembers when he was in high school, people were freaking about about an upcoming ice age. Was there one? Nope.
I guess someone read the tea leaves wrong. Or did they toss chicken bones? Maybe it was reading the entrails of a large animal?

Somehow I think we'll hear that within the collective consensus of the theory of global warming, it is not inconsistent that 2007 was cooler then predicted. And that current climate models show that because of global warming, 2007 was to be colder than 1998.

or we'll hear

You just don't know the difference between weather and climate. It was the weather that was cold, the climate was the hottest ever recorded!

Remember, cold is always weather, warm is always man made.
Any one year proves nothing, that's just weather.

The question is - Is this graph still going up? Individual years (weather) jump around a lot but the long term trend (climate) is undeniable.

Whether or not 2007 is the "warmest" will probably be a matter of less than one-one hundredth of a degree, by the way. Not crucial, either way.
The earth runs through cycles. Some years are warmer, some are colder.

I like all the people running around now declaring "global warming". They forget that in the 70's they were decrying "global cooling".

It is just part of nature. I remember Christmas 1975, or 1976 in the East coast of the US, it was 75 degrees on Christmas day. The next year, we had 27" of snow on the round and it was below zero.

So go figure.

One of the things they seem to leave out of the "warming climate" is that they have reduced the number of weather stations that they record the temperatures on. And guess what ??? The stations they took off line are all North of the Arctic Circle.

So less temperatures recorded in cooler weather, means more recorded in warmer weather.

Do you see the pattern.

Try reading "The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming"
Probably for the same reason that the National Weather Service recently admitted that their hurricane predictions for the last two years have been so much BS ...

They don't know jack sh!t about what they are saying! The models they use in their computers can't even take into consideration the amount of water vapor in the air - water vapor being one the major "greenhouse gases" that could influence global temperatures.

It has also been shown that CO2 levels increase AFTER the peak of the warming trend has been achieved.

The predictions at the sites you referenced go to prove the point I think you are trying to make. They are so much junk, merely propaganda pushing an agenda intended to gain control over the world's economies, and spouted by the "chicken-littles" that follow that hypocritical guru, Al Gore.