How do I make my legs smaller and still do cardio?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Thanks to genetics, my legs are all muscle. Huge thighs and calves. The calves I don't really care about, but the thighs are a huge problem (no pun intended). Any time I buy pants I have to get a much bigger waist size than I need just so that they fit comfortably around my thighs. Even then, sometimes one trip through the washer/dryer is enough to make them shrink to the point of discomfort.

I have been working out and biking lately because I could stand to lose some weight though I am not obese at all, and I am definitely noticing my legs are getting bigger because I am on my third run of buying new pants. It's impossible to lose weight without cardio, and it's near-impossible to do cardio without using your legs.

Any advice anyone can give would be appreciated. I'm 25, 6' 1", 250lbs, large build/broad shoulders etc.