How do I change my IP (Internet Protocol)?


May 18, 2008
There is a game that I play and I have to click a lot, need a speed click. There is a certain type of IP that I need to be able to play the game.

As you IP is like (##.###.##.###) for the numbers. The numbers that I specifically need for the game are the 3rd and 4th number...Let's say. 123.456.789.111...i need 789 and 111 to be a specific number...789 needs to be changed to a number that is divisible by 8 and 111 needs to be a very low that is why I need my IP change...

Is there anyway that I can change my IP to use my own? or what can I do?

Example IP wanted: 968.254.88.05
You definitely can change your IP but probably not to one which you desire.You can approach the ISP if you are having a static IP and request for a change.If you are having a dynamic IP then you can reset the modem by switching it OFF and ON and this will generate a new IP.You can confirm for the change in Ip using , the IP number is assigned by your ISp from the pool of IP's that they have.So you can only change your current IP to a new one but getting a desired Ip is not possible.