How do I change my IP (Internet Protocol)?


May 18, 2008
There is a game that I play and I have to click a lot, need a speed click. There is a certain type of IP that I need to be able to play the game.

As you IP is like (##.###.##.###) for the numbers. The numbers that I specifically need for the game are the 3rd and 4th number...Let's say. 123.456.789.111...i need 789 and 111 to be a specific number...789 needs to be changed to a number that is divisible by 8 and 111 needs to be a very low that is why I need my IP change...

Is there anyway that I can change my IP to use my own? or what can I do?
Example IP wanted: 968.254.88.05
Are you doing Xbox Live? We just had to do this with our Xbox 360 so we could do port forwarding in our router. We had a Dynamic IP for the Xbox and it kept changing - then we would have to correct our port forwarding. I finally found the instructions online to change the Xbox IP to a Static IP so it won't change anymore. Is this similar to what you are referring to?
There is some bad info in the first reply... You can't just unplug it for 30 seconds... 4 hours is usually good for you to try. Your IP is leased to you by your ISP and after so long the time on that lease wears out but usually when gaining a new IP after the lease expires you get the same IP. On top of that your ISP only has access to a certain range of IP addresses and the likelyhood that they have the IP you want is slim to none
There is a game that I play and I have to click a lot, need a speed click. There is a certain type of IP that I need to be able to play the game.

As you IP is like (##.###.##.###) for the numbers. The numbers that I specifically need for the game are the 3rd and 4th number...Let's say. 123.456.789.111...i need 789 and 111 to be a specific number...789 needs to be changed to a number that is divisible by 8 and 111 needs to be a very low that is why I need my IP change...

Is there anyway that I can change my IP to use my own? or what can I do?
Example IP wanted: 968.254.88.05

You definitely can change your IP but probably not to one which you desire.You can approach the ISP if you are having a static IP and request for a change.If you are having a dynamic IP then you can reset the modem by switching it OFF and ON and this will generate a new IP.You can confirm for the change in Ip using , the IP number is assigned by your ISP from the pool of IP's that they have.So you can only change your current IP to a new one but getting a desired Ip is not possible.