Fellow Pagans: Which of the following do you find more accurate to the source...

Jun 5, 2008
...materials your religion has? In a question last night on Khemetic beliefs someone put forth the theory that the Egyptians were actually monotheists with the Gods such as Osiris, Isis, Horus and Ra being the equivalent of "angels" which was responded to by someone with the following answer:

"I agree with you to some extent and this belief system is mirrored in ancient Roman and Greek mythology.
Their is only one true God and the other gods/goddesses are representative of aspects of God and fulfill different purposes to mankind."

It was always my understanding from studies of Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse Mythology that this is the exact opposite of what was actually in the source material. Homer and Hesiod certainly do NOT portray the Greek Gods as all being "aspects" of Zeus that fulfill different purposes to mankind. And a close reading of the Dialogs of Plato, specifically in where they relate to Socrates (who people erroneously try to portray as a monotheist) does not support it either.
Am I wrong?
The person who posted the opinion on the Greek and Roman gods stated in an email to me that she had been studying Greek Mythology since she was 8. I have been studying it since a similar age and have come to the opposited conclusion.