Excellence and uniqueness


Apr 16, 2012
Shari`ah is unique as to caring to sons at the lifetime of their parents and after their death, this is demonstrated in custody, nursing, and expending on sons. Also, it obliged inheritance for them in their parents' estate which reveals how Islam pays attention for sons and their custody to provide a safe welfare life.

Taking inheritance in the Islamic Shari`ah into account, we would find that it is in line with the natural disposition, filiation is the expectation of paternity, and the instinct of possession urges man to work, earn livelihood, excel, and frequently withhold himself from enjoying his wealth to leave it for his sons to enjoy his effort after his death.

Father does all this while pleased and satisfied because the teachings of Islam enjoined on him to provide wealth for his sons to live in dignity and esteem among people.

Islam prescribes the major part in the parents' wealth for sons, it does not distinguish between males and females that it does not keep all estate for males and deprive females from it as practiced in so many legislations worldwide in recent and old times, rather Islam is fair in this regard and denies all kinds of inheritance injustice known in humanity.

Right of fetus

Jurists unanimously agreed that fetus has the right in estate if two stipulations are met:

1- Actual existence of fetus in his mother's womb at the time of devisor's death. This is can easily be recognized by determining the time of delivery since the devisor's death that is if the mother delivered the baby a month to six months after the death, the minimum period of delivery, then jurists ruled that the baby is worthy of inheritance.

2- The fetus is delivered alive, even if he made one cry, and then died, he/she would be worthy of inheritance. This is the opinion of the majority of scholars. If he/she is born dead, then inheritance is not due, even if the cause of death is a serious offense against the mother.

So long as the fetus is inside the womb, the estate shall not be finally distributed as the fetus gender or number can't yet be identified that is some of the heirs' shares vary according to the gender of the fetus. Accordingly, jurists are unanimously agreed on non-distribution to the estate until time of delivery on condition that the heirs approve it explicitly or implicitly, namely they do not claim it. This is applied to the case when the fetus has no participant heir or even if there such heir but he/she is disinherited. The point of disagreement

among jurists on this topic arises when one of the heirs asks for the distribution of the estate, thus some jurists approve distribution of the estate, others disapproved it, a third view approved distribution to some portion of the estate. The preponderant view is that of the majority of jurists which distributes the prescribed shares whose holders are not affected by any change, because delaying them until delivery would inflict harm upon them without necessity.

ماذا تفعل إذا كنت تحب الإسلام وتنتظر علامة؟ بلال فيلبس ...


[h=1]الداعية منصور والداعية حمزة في حوار مع زوجين أمريكيين في منتهى اللطافة من الطائفة المورمونية[/h][h=1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdbY5RU4lrQ[/h]

Some may believe that Islam wronged daughters concerning inheritance as it prescribed her a share half to her sibling, and they defame the equity of the Islamic legislations based on this false claim, and then they ask for equity between male and female in inheritance which is unfair equity as unanimously agreed upon by Muslim scholars. The wisdom behind this

distribution is clear and fair because Islam made the expenditure mandatory upon males and disburdened females from this.
Female in most cases is at the male expense in Islam, be a mother, wife, daughter, or sister, which is unlike to man who is always charged by expending on family as practiced throughout the different arenas without exception

. Man pays dowry in unlimited amount, he is charged with furnishing home and costs of livelihood. In case of divorce, he pays the period of waiting expenditure and other kinds of expenses. In this regard, sheikh Muhammad 'Abdu in his Tafsir "Al-Manar" stated the following: the wisdom behind making the share of man double to that of woman is that man is charged by expenditure on himself and his wife, so he shall receive two shares, while woman only expends on herself and when she get married her expenditure becomes mandatory on her husband.
قذائف الحق! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الأول

قذائف الحق! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الثاني

قذائف الحق! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الثالث
What is your purpose in life? What is the rationale behind our life? Why do we live in this life? These questions frequently intrigue people who try to find accurate answers.

People provide different answers to these questions. Some people believe the purpose of life is to accumulate wealth. But one may wonder: What is the purpose of life after one has collected colossal amounts of money? What then? What will the purpose be once money is gathered? If the purpose of life is to gain money, there will be no purpose after becoming wealthy. And in fact, here lies the problem of some disbelievers or misbelievers at some stage of their life, when collecting money is the target of their life. When they have collected the money they dreamt of, their life loses its purpose. They suffer from the panic of nothingness and they live in tension and restlessness.

Can Wealth Be an Aim?

We often hear of a millionaire committing suicide, sometimes, not the millionaire himself but his wife, son, or daughter. The question that poses itself is: Can wealth bring happiness to one’s life? In most cases the answer is NO. Is the purpose of collecting wealth a standing purpose? As we know, the five-year old child does not look for wealth: a toy for him is equal to a million dollars. The eighteen-year old adolescent does not dream of wealth because he is busy with more important things. The ninety-year old man does not care about money; he is worried more about his health. This proves that wealth cannot be a standing purpose in all the stages of the individual's life.

Wealth can do little to bring happiness to a disbeliever, because he/she is not sure about his fate. A disbeliever does not know the purpose of life. And if he has a purpose, this purpose is doomed to be temporary or self destructive.

What is the use of wealth to a disbeliever if he feels scared of the end and skeptical of everything. A disbeliever may gain a lot of money, but will surely lose himself.

Worshipping Allah as an Aim

On the contrary, faith in Allah gives the believer the purpose of life that he needs. In Islam, the purpose of life is to worship Allah. The term "Worship" covers all acts of obedience to Allah.

The Islamic purpose of life is a standing purpose. The true Muslim sticks to this purpose throughout all the stages of his life, whether he is a child, adolescent, adult, or an old man.

Worshipping Allah makes life purposeful and meaningful, especially within the framework of Islam. According to Islam this worldly life is just a short stage of our life. Then there is the other life. The boundary between the first and second life is the death stage, which is a transitory stage to the second life. The type of life in the second stage a person deserves depends on his deeds in the first life. At the end of the death stage comes the day of judgment. On this day, Allah rewards or punishes people according to their deeds in the first life.

The First Life as an Examination

So, Islam looks at the first life as an examination of man. The death stage is similar to a rest period after the test, i. e. after the first life. The Day of Judgment is similar to the day of announcing the results of the examinees. The second life is the time when each examinee enjoys or suffers from the outcome of his behavior during the test period.

In Islam, the line of life is clear, simple, and logical: the first life, death, the Day of Judgment, and then the second life. With this clear line of life, the Muslim has a clear purpose in life. The Muslim knows he is created by Allah. Muslims know they are going to spend some years in this first life, during which they have to obey God, because God will question them and hold them responsible for their public or private deeds, because Allah knows about all the deeds of all people. The Muslim knows that his deeds in the first life will determine the type of second life they will live in. The Muslim knows that this first life is a very short one, one hundred years, more or less, whereas the second life is an eternal one.

The Eternity of the Second Life

The concept of the eternity of the second life has a tremendous effect on a Muslims during their first life, because Muslims believe that their first life determines the shape of their second life. In addition, this determines the shape of their second life and this determination will be through the Judgment of Allah, the All just and Almighty.

With this belief in the second life and the Day of Judgment, the Muslim's life becomes purposeful and meaningful. Moreover, the Muslim's standing purpose is to go to Paradise in the second life.

In other words, the Muslim's permanent purpose is to obey Allah, to submit to Allah, to carry out His orders, and to keep in continues contact with Him through prayers (five times a day), through fasting (one month a year), through charity (as often as possible), and through pilgrimage (once in one's life).

The Need for a Permanent Purpose

Disbelievers have purposes in their lives such as collecting money and property, indulging in sex, eating, and dancing. But all these purposes are transient and passing ones. All these purposes come and go, go up and down. Money comes and goes. Health comes and goes. Sexual activities cannot continue forever. All these lusts for money, food and sex cannot answer the individual's questions: so what? Then What?

However, Islam saves Muslims from the trouble of asking the question, because Islam makes it clear, from the very beginning, that the permanent purpose of the Muslim in this life is to obey Allah in order to go to Paradise in the second life.

We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him alone.

We should also know our Prophet whom Allah had sent to all mankind, believe in Him and follow Him. We should, know the religion of truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in, and practice it

The purpose of life in this world in Islam and Christianity - ...

The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

"Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

"They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

"He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi | March 2012

Taking into consideration that both Quran and Sunnah have paid much attention to setting the right of woman which has always been wronged and protected her against injustice, it would be clear that such claim is completely untrue and bias to the advantages of the Islamic Shari'ah. Some women may argue that they earn their livelihood or the husband is sick to the extent that he is unable totally or partially to provide the livelihood of the family and thus they seek equality in inheritance is void and null, because such cases are not the major rule but they are exception in societies.
Islam takes into account the nature of both man and woman that it views woman as the shepherd on her house affairs and she shall be responsible for that on the Day of Judgment.

We should be aware that Islam does not view woman as an individual, rather it views her and man as one family composed of two persons who are the basic of the whole society, she inherits one share of her devisor and her husband receives two shares of his devisor, and thus the final outcome is three shares for this family; and her brother receives two shares of her father and his wife receives one share of her devisor so that the final outcome is three shares for this other family, there is equality in inheritance.

This is a normal view as the new families are extension of the expired ones; integration is existent between man and woman in the one family whose integration leads to integration to the whole society. Thus there is ground to separate between man and woman, rather they are one entity essential to the welfare of life on earth.
Based on the aforementioned, it becomes clear that Islam does not view woman from the gender perspective concerning inheritance; rather it views her from the social status perspective and the economic burdens she bears as well.

What Is Wisdom? - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - YouTube
لمن تصلي؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الأول

لمن تصلي؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثانى
لمن تصلي؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء الثالث
لمن تصلي؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي الجزء االاخير
Why are two women witnesses equivalent to only one man?

This question is asked my by many people even by Muslims who don’t have sufficient knowledge about their religion as they consider it as injustice and inequality in Islam concerning woman.

It is not true that two female witnesses are always considered as equal to only one male witness. It is true only certain cases like financial transaction. However, Islam accepts a woman’s testimony as equal to that of a man. In fact, the woman’s testimony can even invalidate the man’s.

The woman’s testimony can even invalidate the man’s. If a man accuses his wife of unchastity, he is required by Quran to swear five times as evidence of the wife is guilt. If the wife denies and swears similarly five times, she is not considered guilty and in either case the marriage is dissolved. God, Almighty, said: “And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own, their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by God that they are solemnly telling the truth; and the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of God on themselves if they tell a lie. But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By God, that (her husband) is telling a lie; and the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of God on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth.”(chapter 24: verse 6- 9)

In other cases, women’s testimony is more valid than men. In case of breastfeeding, she is the only one and the more valid to claim that this person is your brother or sister foster. The woman maid is the only who may claim that this boy is the son of certain lady or not. Another example from Prophet Mohammed’s era is the solitary witness of Lady Aisha, prophet’s wife, is a reliable source for many men and women to take Hadiths, the saying of the prophet, as an authentic one. Lady Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) has narrated no less than 2220 Hadiths (the saying of the prophet) which are considered authentic only on her solitary evidence. This is sufficient proof that one witness of a woman can also be accepted.
ركن المتحدثين الداعية محمد حجاب و زائرين فى الهايد

بارك مترجم


Why are 2 witnesses who are women, equivalent to only 1 ...
why does two female equal one male in financial transaction? Are women inferior to men? Do women have weaker memories than men?

In this scientific age, we explore the significance of this legislation. Actually, this injunction is in perfect harmony with the nature and psychology of the woman as seen in psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical research.

As women, we are aware of the cyclical psychological strains that a woman has to encounter every month. The symptoms during early pregnancy, ante- natal, post- natal, depression, the phenomenon of menopause, the physiological and psychological problems due to infertility and the problems faced after miscarriage.

It is under these situations that women can experience extraordinary psychological strains giving rise to depression, lack of concentration, slow- mindedness and short term memory loss. Psychiatry in practice, April 1983 issue states: “Forty percent of women suffer from pre- menstrual syndrome…..”

The length review portrays how female behavior is affected in these situations. In the pre- menstrual syndrome: C. Shreeves writes: “Reduced powers of concentration and memory are familiar aspects of the pre- menstrual syndrome…..”

This doesn’t mean, of course, that women are mentally deficient absolutely. “Reduced powers of concentration and memory are familiar aspects of the pre- menstrual syndrome and can only be remedied by treating the underlying complaint." This does not mean, of course, that women are mentally deficient absolutely. It just means that their mental faculties can become affected at certain times in the biological cycle. Shreeves also writes: "As many as 80 percent of women are aware of some degree of pre-menstrual changes, 40 percent are substantially disturbed by them, and between 10 and 20 percent are seriously disabled as a result of the syndrome.”

We read in Psychological Medicine: "Many studies have reported an increased likelihood of various negative affects during the pre-menstrual period. In this affective category are many emotional designations including irritability, depression, tension, anxiety, sadness, insecurity, lethargy, loneliness, tearfulness, fatigue, restlessness and changes of mood. In the majority of studies, investigators have found it difficult to distinguish between various negative affects, and only a few have allowed themselves to be excessively concerned with the differences which might or might not exist between affective symptoms." Psychological Medicine, Monograph Supplement 4, 1983, Cambridge University Press, p.6.

Post- natal depression

There are considerable sleep difficulties. The mothers lose interest in the things they enjoyed prior to the baby's birth, and find that their concentration is impaired. They often feel irrational guilt, and blame themselves for being 'bad' wives and mothers. Fifty percent of these women are not identified as having a depressive illness. Unfortunately, many of them do not understand what ails them and blame their husbands, their babies or themselves until the relationships are strained to an alarming degree." Psychiatry in Practice, May, 1987, p.18


This phase in a woman's life can start at any time from the mid-thirties to the mid-fifties and can last for as long as 15 years. In this phase, many women pass with many various psychological changes that may affect their mental capabilities.

It is in light of the above findings of psychologist, psychiatrists and researchers, we find the significance of this ruling as God who is the creator of men and women and He is the All-Knowing of their physical, mental, and physiological differences.
\\\\ Women's Rights in Islam: Subjugation or Liberation? | ...


Women in Islam, Liberated or Subjugated? - AbdurRaheem ...

In fact, slavery was prevalent throughout the world before the advent of Islam. Slaves were part of the social and psychological system.

What are the rights of slaves in Islam and in the non-Muslim countries?

1-In non-Muslim countries slaves almost have no rights:
a-They are treated as a commodity or merchandise; they are considered property to their owner.
b-They are forced to do toiled (hard) work in the field from dawn to sunset.
c-They get little portion of food just to live.
d-They sleep in groups and cells and most of time they are tied.
F-Slave girls are exposed to violence and rape.

2- In Islam, slaves are considered as citizens having all rights of citizenship:

• In Islam, all Muslims are brothers as they have a common descent. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "you are sons of Adam and Adam was created from clay"

• In Islam, all people are equal, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

"You should know that no Arab is superior over a non-Arab and, non-Arab is superior over any Arab, no white is superior over black and no black is superior over white. Superiority is by righteousness and God-fearing (alone)."

• In Islam, fraternity joins all Muslims, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:"Your servant and your slaves are you brothers. Anyone who has slaves should give them from what he eats and wears. He should not charge them with work beyond their capabilities. If you must set them to hard work, in any case I advise you to help them."

• In Islam, slaves are protected even from verbal abusing, the prophet (PBUH) said:"Not one of you should (when introducing someone) say ‘this is my slave’,’this is my concubine’. He should call them ‘my daughter’ or ‘my son’ or ‘my brother’."

• There were, in addition, strict principels enforced as a law: the Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whosoever kills his slave, he shall be killed, whosoever imprisons his slave and starves him, he shall be imprisoned and starved himself."

• Beside such sanctions, which made the master behave with care, the slave also enjoys the legal right to earn money and hold property independently of his master, the right to keep his religion and to have a family life with the attendant rights and obligations.
• Finally, the slave has the right to buy his freedom (the master has not the right in this case to reject the slave’s request for freedom).

Islam and Slavery - By Dr. Zakir Naik - YouTube


Choice Of Freedom For Slaves - YouTube

Why didn't Islam prohibit slavery by a ruling like Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?

Truthfully, if we want to talk about this issue, we have to talk about how slavery was banned in America.
Abraham Lincoln was one of the great presidents of America who issued the Emancipation proclamation in 1863 to abolish slavery. It freed 4 million black slaves which led to quake the society. This resulted in a civil war that lasted for 5 years and left 500,000 dead and 500,000 injured. And one million out of four died out of sick or hunger for they could not afford themselves.
Later in 1865, The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.
Then number of amendments granted the slaves citizenship and right to vote, but it was not applied.
In 1879, in what known as Kansas exodus, the United States witnessed a mass immigration of the black Americans who escaped discrimination.
In 1896 the Racial segregation was applied.
The years between 1945 and 1970 witnessed a lot of struggles and civil movements.
Despite all these efforts, racism still exists in the United States till nowadays.

Slavery exists nowadays in various countries in many forms (women - children trafficking - legalizing prostitution - the red light districts are prevalent in USA, some European & Far East countries - illegal trade of human organs)

So, it is apparent that solving issues which are so ingrained in society in such an abrupt manner can have several adverse effects. As we see that 150 years after the abolition of slavery, Black people still could not sit next to white people on public buses.
This is because of the way Mrs. Lincoln and his followers fixed the problem of slavery. He did not realize that slavery is just a symptom, while the disease itself is Racism. And this is the most dangerous thing, treating the symptom instead of treating the disease itself.

On the contrary, Islam offered the right solution for the problem of slavery. It took drastic measures and radical solution to uproot racism which was a social malady. At the same time, Islam got rid of slavery in a gradual manner, without shaking the foundation of society. This is why we have no slaves, but in America there are still because they have racism.
Islam is the Solution of Racism by Ahmed Deedat - YouTube


Freely Speaking With Ginna Lewis - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat ...

The measures of Islam to eradicate racism and abolish slavery:

• It grantes paradise to whoever frees a slave. Allah said “and what will make you know the path that steep?(it is) freeing a neck (slave etc.)" ( Qur'an 90:11-13)
• One of the ways of spending zakat (alms-giving) is by freeing slaves. “Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to administer the (funds) : for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in dept; in cause of Allah; and for way farerthus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”. (Qur'an 9:60)
• Emancipation of slaves was also the legally required expiation for certain sins or failures in religious duties, for example, the breaking of an oath or the breaking of a fast.
• Freeing a slave is required also in the accidental killing, ‘it is not for a believer to kill a believer except (that it be) by mistake, and whosoever kills a believer by mistake (it is ordained that) he must set free a believing slave’. (Qur'an 4: 92). This form of atonement is critical as it means that, in Islam, freedom is equal to life. You took the life of someone, so you have to give freedom to someone else.

• The most beautiful way Islam employed to free slaves is called ‘the emancipation agreement’ or ‘the master-slave agreement’. It is Islamic innovation that was made to free slaves and to make the master and slave sit together at one table and be able to write contracts with one another.
• Islam showed that the master should be the first one help the slave obtain his own freedom and that he should put the first payment as a gift. God, the Exalted, says(what means):“and such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), give them such writing, if you know that they are good and trustworthy. And give them something yourselves out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you”. (Qur'an 24:33)

These measures of Islam are signals for the masters that this slavery is about to end. So, free the slaves you have and do not buy any new ones. If you want slaves, they have to wear the same clothes that you wear. They have to eat the same food that you eat. And if you beat your servant he is automatically free.
Who would want to own a slave that way?!

Now it is obvious how Islam solved the problem of slavery by this unique, unprecedented, matchless, remedy that was prescribed by God, the All- knowing, the Wise.
نا أريد إعتناق الاسلام ولكن ؟ يوشع ايفانز مترجم


حوار رائع وهادئ بين هاشم وفتاة دانماركية مسيحية

محاضرة ( القرآن هل يجب قراءته بفهم؟) - ذاكر نايك مترجم 2018

The Cave of Hira

On a clear and moonlit night.
In the dark cave of Hira.
A man began to cry.
Oh Allah show me the light.
Tell me why I was created.
Where will I go after I die ?
What’s the purpose of this life .
Where people murder and lie?.
How can I stop their corruption?
Oh Allah You’re my only Guide

On that clear and blessed night.
Jibra’il came to Hira.
He hugged Prophet Muhammad.
Until he thought he would die.
Read O Muhammad read.
In the name of your Lord.
By Allah you’ve been chosen.
Over the whole of mankind
You’ve been elevated high … Like the moon up in the sky

He’s a mercy for mankind.
His speech was gentle and kind.
He summoned people to Allah.
And led them on his path.
Mankind lived in the darkness.
Everyone alive was just blind.
His message brought the light.
To the hearts that had no sight.
In mercy he’s the ocean.
While others are drops of rain.

Forever we’ll be indebted.
To him for this Islam.
Our life for him we’ll give.
His message with us will live.
Our love for him knows no bounds.
It is loftier than the clouds.
Whenever his name is mentioned.
Our tears begin to flow.
Oh Allah send your blessings.
On al Mustafa.
لماذا كل هذه التعقيدات؟ منصور ومحمد علي في حوار مع ملحد الجزء
لماذا كل هذه التعقيدات؟ منصور ومحمد علي في حوار مع ملحد الجزء الثاني
Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which means news. Thus we deduce that a prophet spreads the news of God and His message, they are in a sense God’s ambassadors on earth. Their mission is to convey the message to worship One God. This includes, calling the people to God, explaining the message, bringing glad tidings or warnings and directing the affairs of the nation. All the prophets were anxious to convey God’s message sincerely and completely and this included the last prophet, Muhammad. During his final sermon Prophet Muhammad asked the congregation three times whether he had delivered the message, and called on God to witness their answer, which was a resounding “yes!”.

As well as the essence of their call to One God, another accepted sign of the truth of the prophets is how they live their lives. The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s life that we have inherited from our righteous predecessors illustrate that Muhammad’s Prophethood was guided by God from the very beginning. Long before, Prophethood Muhammad was being prepared to guide humankind to the straight path and his life experiences stood him in good stead for such a weighty mission. Then at the age of 40 when Prophethood was bestowed upon him, God continued to support and affirm his mission. Any account of Muhammad’s life is filled with examples of his exemplary character; he was merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, and generous, while striving solely for the rewards of the Hereafter. The way Prophet Muhammad dealt with his companions, acquaintances, enemies, animals and even inanimate objects left no doubt that he was ever mindful of God.

Muhammad’s birth was accompanied by many so called miraculous events and the talk of the extraordinary events no doubt functioned as signs of Prophethood,

Special but not unique circumstances surrounded childhood of Prophet Muhammad and these undoubtedly had a bearing on his character. By the time he was eight years old he had suffered through the death of both his parents and his beloved grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He was left in the care of his uncle and great supporter Abu Talib. Thus even as a young boy he had already suffered great emotional and physical upheaval. Both the many chroniclers of Muhammad’s life and the Quran acknowledge his disrupted life.

Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)

Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed, thus during his adolescence Muhammad worked as a shepherd. From this occupation he learned to embrace solitude and developed characteristics such as patience, cautiousness, care, leadership and an ability to sense danger. Shepherding was an occupation that all the prophets of God we know of had in common. ‘…The companions asked, “Were you a shepherd?” He replied, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.”’[1]

In his teens Muhammad sometimes travelled with Abu Talib, accompanying caravans to trade centres. On at least one occasion, he is said to have travelled as far north as Syria. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him Al-Amin, the one you can trust. Even in his youth he was known as truthful and trustworthy. One story that is accepted by most Islamic scholars and historians is the account of one of Prophet Muhammad’s trips to Syria.

The story goes that the monk Bahira foretold the coming Prophethood and counselled Abu Talib to “guard his nephew carefully”. According to biographer Ibn Ishaq, as the caravan in which Prophet Muhammad was travelling approached the edge of town, Bahira could see a cloud that appeared to be shading and following a young man. When the caravan halted under the shadow of some trees, Bahira “looked at the cloud when it over-shadowed the tree, and its branches were bending and drooping over the apostle of God until he was in the shadow beneath it.” After Bahira witnessed this he observed Muhammad closely and asked him many questions concerning a number of Christian prophecies he had read and heard about.

The young Muhammad was distinguished among his people for his modesty, virtuous behaviour and graceful manners, thus it was no surprise for his companions to see him, even as a youth many years before Prophethood, shun superstitious practices and keep away from drinking alcohol, eating meat slaughtered on stone altars or attending idolatrous festivals. By the time he reached adulthood Muhammad was thought of as the most reliable and trustworthy member of the Meccan community. Even those who concerned themselves with petty tribal squabbles acknowledged Muhammad’s honesty and integrity.

Muhammad’s virtues and good moral character was established from a young age, and God continued to support and guide him. When he was 40 years old Muhammad was given the means to change the world, the means to benefit the whole of humanity

[h=3]The greatest man to ever walk the earth - YouTube[/h]

Slavery in Islam is INHIBITED not prohibited
Not forbidden by a law but by: man's conscience, free will, strong determination to attain expiation or purification from sins or craving desire to please God, the Exalted, and an overwhelming ambition to enter paradise.
Unlike Christianity, racism in Islam is the ORIGINAL sin .Racial discrimination motivated Satan to disobey God's Commandment to prostrate to Adam. God, the Exalted, says (what means):

"And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye prostrate before Adam! And they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those who make prostration. He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee ? (Satan) said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud.He said: Then go down hence! It is not for thee to show pride here, so go forth! Lo! thou art of those degraded."(Qur'an 7:11-13)
Consequently, all Islamic countries are free from any form of slavery.This indicates how Islam, remedied slavery without causing any loss

May God guide us all to His True path.

MUSLIMS response youtube


The life of Prophet Muhammad - YouTube
Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?


It is true that non-Muslims are not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, by law. The following points will serve to elucidate the possible reasoning behind such a restriction.

1. All citizens are not permitted in the cantonment area
In every country, there are certain areas where a common citizen of that country cannot enter. Only a citizen who is enrolled in the military or those who are connected with the defense of the country are allowed in the cantonment area. Similarly, Islam is a Universal Religion for the entire world and for all human beings. The cantonment areas of Islam are the two holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
Here only those who believe in Islam and are involved in the defense of Islam i.e. the Muslims are allowed.

It would be illogical for a common citizen to object to the restriction on entering a cantonment area. Similarly it is not appropriate for non-Muslims to object to the restriction on non-Muslims against entering Makkah and Madinah.

2. Visa to enter Makkah and Madinah

a. Whenever a person travels to a foreign country, he has to first apply for a visa i.e. the permission to enter that country. Every country has its own rules, regulations and requirements for issuing a visa. Unless their criteria are met, they will not issue a visa.

b. One of the countries which is very strict in issuing a visa is the United States of America, especially when issuing visas to citizens of the third world. They have several conditions and requirements to be fulfilled before they issue a visa.

c. When I visited Singapore, it was mentioned on their immigration form - death to drug traffickers. If I want to visit Singapore I have to abide by the rules. I cannot say that death penalty is a barbaric punishment. Only if I agree with their requirements and conditions will I be permitted to enter the country.

d. The Visa – The primary condition required for any human being to enter Makkah or Madina is to say with his lips, La ila ha illallahMuhammedurRasulullah meaning that ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammed (pbuh) is His Messenger.’

20 Most common questions about Islam | Dr Zakir Naik - www zakirnaik net


لماذا لايسمح للكفار دخول مكه - YouTube

اليوتيوبر الكوري الشهير جاي كيم يحكي قصة إسلامهالرائعة - How Jay Kim Becomes Muslim

مسلم يقصف جبهة قس يُؤمن أن الله مات ليغفر لناذنوبنا ويحرجه في مناظرة أمام الجمهور

هل نحن في حاجة إلى السنة النبوية؟ زوار يسألون عدنانرشيد ومحمد حجاب

أمريكية ضحت بكل شيء من أجل الدخول في الإسلام- She Used to Teach Catholicism and Now Muslim

It is alleged that Islam divides mankind into Believers and Infidels/Kafirs;
Kafir means one who rejects or denies.
Kafir is derived from the word Kufr, which means to conceal or to reject or to deny.
Kafir is the one who conceals or rejects or denies. This is contrary to how some people wrongly translate Kafir as Infidel.
Kufr is not a curse or an insult. A Muslim also has to do Kufr, not with Allah but with all that is worshipped other than, or along with Allah.
"Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (yakfur bialtaghooti) and believes in Allah alone, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break" The Holy Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 256.
So a Muslim also has to do Kufr, He has to be a Kafir of Taghoot. Taghoot means all that is worshipped other than, or along with, Allah. If Kafir was an insulting word, Allah would not have used it for Muslims.
In general Kafir is a term used for a person who rejects Islam. However if a Non-Muslim considers being called a Kafir as an abuse, it is due to his/her misunderstanding about Islam. He or she needs to reach out to proper sources of understanding Islam and Islamic terminology, and not only will he feel abused, but rather appreciates Islam in the proper perspective.

لله يندم؟! شمسي في حوار مع يهودي محترم الجزء
لماذا لا تؤمن بالنبي محمد؟ شمسي في حوار مع يهودي محترم الجزء الأخير
the story of Moses peace be upon him and especially the Exodus from Egypt of the Hebrews. concerning the historical time-frame occupied by the Exodus in the history of the pharaohs, I have concluded that the most likely is the theory which makes Merneptah, Ramesses II’s successor, the pharaoh of the Exodus.

evidence leading us to situate Moses in the history of the pharaohs. Moses was probably born during the reign of Ramesses II. Biblical data. are therefore of considerable historical value in the story of Moses. A medical study of the mummy of Merneptah has yielded further useful information on the possible causes of this pharaoh’s death. The fact that we possess the mummy of this pharaoh is one of paramount importance. The Bible records that pharaoh was engulfed in the sea, but does not give any details as to what subsequently became of his corpse. The Qur’an, in chapter Yoonus, notes that the body of the pharaoh would be saved from the waters:
“Today I will save your dead body so that you may be a sign for those who come after you.” Qur’an, 10:92
A medical examination of this mummy, has, shown that the body could not have stayed in the water for long, because it does not show signs of deterioration due to prolonged submersion. Here again, the comparison between the narration in the Qur’an and the data provided by modern knowledge does not give rise to the slightest objection from a scientific point of view.
Such points of agreement are characteristic of the Qur’anic revelation.

The main causes which brought about such differences as arise from the comparison between the Holy Scriptures and modern knowledge is known to modern scholars. The Old Testament constitutes a collection of literary works produced in the course of roughly nine centuries and which has undergone many alterations. The part played by men in the actual composition of the texts of the Bible is quite considerable.

The Qur’anic revelation, on the other hand, has a history which is radically different. As we have already seen, from the moment it was first commto humans, it was learnt by heart and written down during Muhammad’s own lifetime. It is thanks to this fact that the Qur’an does not pose any problem of authenticity.

A totally objective examination of the Qur’an, in the light of modern knowledge, leads us to recognize the agreement between the two, as has already been noted on repeated occasions throughout this presentation.

It makes us deem it quite unthinkable for a man of Muhammad’s time to have been the author of such statements, on account of the state of knowledge in his day. Such considerations are part of what gives the Qur’anic revelation its unique place among religious and non-religious texts, and forces the impartial scientist to admit his inability to provide an explanation based solely upon materialistic reasoning.

Such facts as I have had the pleasure of exposing to you here, appear to represent a genuine challenge to human explanation leaving only one alternative: the Qur’an is undoubtedly a revelation from allah. ركن المتحدثين: الأخ منصور يكتسح الكاهن الكاثوليكى فى النقاش. الجزء الثالث

كلام الله، هل هو القرآن أم الإنجيل؟|The Qur'an Or The Bible, Which Is God's Word

Christmas and 25th of December​
Many Christians are unaware that the true spirit of reverence which Muslims display towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of their faith as prescribed in the Holy Quran. Most do not know that a Muslim does not take the name of Jesus , without saying Eesa alai-hiss-salaam i.e. (Jesus peace be upon him).​
Jesus is commonly considered to have been born on the 25th of December. However, it is common knowledge among Christian scholars that he was not born on this day. It is well known that the first Christian churches held their festival in May, April, or January. Scholars of the first two centuries AD even differ in which year he was born. Some believing that he was born fully twenty years before the current accepted date. So how was the 25th of December selected as the birthday of Jesus ?​
Grolier's encyclopedia says: "Christmas is the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated on December 25 ... Despite the beliefs about Christ that the birth stories expressed, the church did not observe a festival for the celebration of the event until the 4th century.... since 274, under the emperor Aurelian, Rome had celebrated the feast of the "Invincible Sun" on December 25. In the Eastern Church, January 6, a day also associated with the winter solstice, was initially preferred. In course of time, however, the West added the Eastern date as the Feast of the Epiphany, and the East added the Western date of Christmas".​
So who else celebrated the 25th of December as the birth day of their gods before it was agreed upon as the birth day of Jesus ? Well, there are the people of India who rejoice, decorate their houses with garlands, and give presents to their friends on this day. The people of China also celebrate this day and close their shops. Buddha is believed to have been born on this day. The great savior and god of the Persians, Mithras, is also believed to have been born on the 25th of December long before the coming of Jesus .​
The Egyptians celebrated this day as the birth day of their great savior Horus, the Egyptian god of light and the son of the "virgin mother" and "queen of the heavens" Isis. Osiris, god of the dead and the underworld in Egypt, the son of "the holy virgin", again was believed to have been born on the 25th of December.​
The Greeks celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of Hercules, the son of the supreme god of the Greeks, Zeus, through the mortal woman Alcmene Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry among the Romans (known among the Greeks as Dionysus) was also born on this day.​
Adonis, revered as a "dying-and-rising god" among the Greeks, miraculously was also born on the 25th of December. His worshipers held him a yearly festival representing his death and resurrection, in midsummer. The ceremonies of his birthday are recorded to have taken place in the same cave in Bethlehem which is claimed to have been the birth place of Jesus .​
The Scandinavians celebrated the 25th of December as the birthday of their god Freyr, the son of their supreme god of the heavens, Odin.​
The Romans observed this day as the birthday of the god of the sun, Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birthday of Sol the invincible"). There was great rejoicing and all shops were closed. There was illumination and public games. Presents were exchanged, and the slaves were indulged in great liberties. These are the same Romans who would later preside over the council of Nicea (325 CE) which lead to the official Christian recognition of the "Trinity" as the "true" nature of God, and the "fact" that Jesus was born on the 25th of December too.​
In Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gibbon says: "The Roman Christians, ignorant of his (Christ's) birth, fixed the solemn festival to the 25th of December, the Brumalia, or Winter Solstice, when the Pagans annually celebrated the birth of Sol " vol. ii, p. 383.​
Christians opposed to Christmas​
There are several Christian groups who are opposed to Christmas. For example, they take the verse from the Bible in Jeremiah 10:2-4 as an admonition against decorating Christmas trees.​
The King James Version reads: "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen.... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."​
In order to understand this subject, it is helpful to trace some of the history of Christmas avoidance, particularly its roots in Puritanism.​
The Puritans believed that the first-century church modeled a Christianity that modern Christians should copy. They attempted to base their faith and practice solely on the New Testament, and their position on Christmas reflected their commitment to practice a pure, scriptural form of Christianity. Puritans argued that God reserved to himself the determination of all proper forms of worship, and that he disapproved of any human innovations - even innovations that celebrated the great events of salvation. The name Christmas also alienated many Puritans.​
Christmas, after all, meant "the mass of Christ." The mass was despised as a Roman Catholic institution that undermined the Protestant concept of Christ, who offered himself once for all. The Puritans' passionate avoidance of any practice that was associated with papal Rome caused them to overlook the fact that in many countries the name for the day had nothing to do with the Catholic mass, but focused instead on Jesus' birth. The mass did not evolve into the form abhorred by Protestants until long after Christmas was widely observed. The two customs had separate, though interconnected, histories.​
As ardent Protestants, Puritans identified the embracing of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 300s CE as the starting point of the degeneration and corruption of the church. They believed the corruption of the church was brought on by the interweaving of the church with the pagan Roman state. To Puritans, Christmas was impure because it entered the Roman Church sometime in this period. No one knows the exact year or under what circumstances Roman Christians began to celebrate the birth of their Lord, but by the mid-300s CE, the practice was well established.

[h=1]مسيحية تتهجم على يوسف استس وتقول له كيف تتجرأ أن تترك المسيحية فدمر سؤلها بدقائق[/h] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2nWd2V6MdA

[h=3]أحمد ديدات - من هو أبو المسيح عليه السلام - YouTube[/h]


when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube

حكم التهنئة بالكريسماس - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik
Christ in Islam a sequel (full studio debate) - Sheikh Ahmed ...

Ahmed Deedat - when Christ was born!? Surprise (مترجم) youtube

when Christ was born Ahmed Deedat a lecture debates youtube