"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)


Apr 8, 2008

Nancy the Cheerleader wants you to cancel your Newsweek subscriptions. I hope you're all listening to her.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

For god's sake can someone shut these hens up? They are giving me a headache. They are on national TV spouting this drivel. NATIONAL TV for god's sake. And we wonder why Americans are so ignorant in general.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

That was possibly one of the most painful things I've ever had the displeasure of viewing.

Is it me or is this campaign becoming more and more like an episode of the Simpsons every day?
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

Agreed, but unfortunately this is what passes for "information" in the American media. By comparison, I watch BBC both in the morning and in the evening as well as the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour and it is amazing the difference in content when bumped up against the other news sources. I have personally witnessed "news" shows on the American national networks that dedicated entire segments to the hijinx that goes on in the Entertainment industry, while completely ignoring international events.

I find it reprehensible that over 150 million voting Americans are content to hide behind their oceans and pretend that the rest of the world is unimportant compare to the latest publicity grab by J-Lo or Britany Spears.
Has anyone other than me noticed that for the last 30 years Healthcare, Social Security and Education have been put-off because of lack of financial options only to find that the Banking sector can be bailed-out to the tune of 700 Billion USD in less than 10 days? The reason such things can happen is that we Americans are the original "Mushroom People": kept in the dark and fed horseshit by our information services. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

No. The Simpsons is funny sometimes.

I have found your interpretations of American Culture to be cynical and unfortunately correct. This is no exception.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

it takes a lot for me to get to the point where i would break my morals, one of which is to not hit women, but damn i could make an exception if it meant never watching that again.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

Lol, I understand your pain Yohan. I'm an outsider looking in, at least I don't have to suffer actually having to vote.

Scenes like this do ring a familair bell though

"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

And I would absolutely LOVE to be wrong on this account. In the case of this thread it would outstanding to have news programs actually inform the public about meaningful activities and events in their world and what it means to them as individuals.

It would be incredible if a public servant running for office would actually say what he was going to do....and actually accomplish that thing.

But most of all I would love to see people held accountable for their behaviors, individuals who commit transgressions named by name and individuals addressed fairly for the amount of good OR bad they contribute to society.

Unfortunately I live in the United States where such things are just a lot of big talk.

Best Wishes,

"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

He's got a silver tongue and little else. He offers no solutions to the problems America faces.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

it gets so petty sometimes i just feel like saying "who cares" but then that would just catch me in this drift of ignorance that seems too shroud a lot of people. i think its just sad that a lot of people find the most trivial irrelevant things to talk about on a subject (e.g. politics) that is quite big.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

Timeless classics! I'm too young to have seen them when they were first out, but watching them today they're just as relevant, and even more so when watching their OTT intro sequences...and then watching Fox News.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

I'd wager Sarah Palin is a darn sight closer to that than any other candidate on stage at the moment.
lol.... oh my.

It's with great amusement that I noticed there is a Facebook group named

"I have more Foreign Policy experience than Sarah Palin"


For all of you dumbfounded by the selection of Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate. This moose-eating political featherweight could be a heartbeat away from the presidency - what a frightening thought
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

That is too funny. Almost makes me want to get a Facebook account.

Seriously, I think at this point she's running to get her own lucrative TV show contract after she steps down as governor. You know Fox News will pay big bucks for her.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

Lets break it down

Decent: Hard to say, a politicians public persona rarely has much in common with their private one. I see no evidence that she is more decent than the other three runners.

Moral: Kills animals for fun - many people would not consider that morally justified. She has also been criticised for abusing her power. But it's relative. Again in what way do her morals trump the others (you cant use abortion because its a purely individual issue).

Hardworking: As I recall, she has been criticised for never being in Juneau. I remember reading about Alaskan lawmakers wearing 'Where's Sarah?' buttons. Sounds real hardworking.

Of course this is all irrelevant, no matter how decent, moral or hardworking she is, she is still an idiot who, given the chance, could well get us all killed.