"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

then i would feel damn sorry for your country and understand why US isnt the most popular country on the planet. but i doubt thats true. Mcain, IMO, brought her in because she would be the first women vice president or whatever right? its a counter against obama being the first black president
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

McCain brought her in mainly to activate the conservative base of the Republican party which was very lukewarm in its support of McCain. Conservatives in the party were probably going to vote for McCain but they weren't enthusiastic about campaigning for him. The second reason was that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were pretty much in a dead heat as far as the number of votes each got in the primary, and McCain hoped to win over a portion of disaffected Hillary supporters by picking a woman.

Hard to say who most decent person of the 4 is. Probably Biden or Palin. Obama is a product of the sleaziest political machine in the country(Chicago) and did nothing to try to clean it up during his time in Illinois state government. And any decent person would have refused to serve on a board with Bill Ayers. McCain has had his ethical problems over the years, too. Biden gets credit for not using his position to make tons of money from it, but loses points for donating a pittance to charity in comparison to his income. Palin is the closest to not being a "career politician" and has had real jobs outside of government--I think it would be difficult to be a commercial fisherman and not be hard-working.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

You aren't really going to get an argument from me here - it's all semantics anyway.

And yes Thayrea, I do agree that McCains choice was to simply gain popularity points.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

The US system makes it essentially impossible for a "normal" person to become president.

But then, nobody at the top of politics is clean.

Except for Dennis Skinner in the UK of course.

And Tony Benn in the past.

"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

Excluding Tony Benn (who I would so is the most honest, reasoned, sensible and selfless politician I have ever come across even if I don't always agree with him, although his line of reasoning and argument is generally second to none!) there has never been an honest man entered the Houses of Parliament other than Guy Fawkes!

As for the state of US Politics, I don't think we in the uK can claim anythingis that much better; they are just less blatent about their coniving, scheming ways!

As for news coverage, I have to agree that generally the quality of the news is pretty good here in the UK and I m thankful we don't get too much of the kind of thing we saw on the Palin "nasal hair debacle", although they are still pretty good at that sometimes on a quiet news week. My only complaint would be that the National News here ni the UK is still very London-centric and maybe a little anglo-centric, with less being reoprted nationaly from the other Nations (unless it is generally bad news! .... then again isn't all news mainly bad news!). However It is still pretty good coverage here.
"Mortifying" stuff from the "Liberal Media" (Elite)

I've read both of Barack Obama's books, and observed his evolution through the campaign. While he's by no means perfect, I think it would be easy to make the case that he's a decent, moral, hardworking American.

He's also very intelligent, highly educated, idealistic, eloquent and given to nuanced thinking. He's certainly grappled with race and identity, and a portrait of his immediate family would span the globe from Indonesia to Africa and contain black, white and Oriental faces. This gives him a rather unique and global perspective on the unity of all people of all races.

He's also revolutionized campaign finance by refusing big money donations from lobbyists, and if elected he will assume the presidency without owing financial allegiance to the oil industry, drug industry, defense industry, insurance industry or health care industry. Whatever faults he has or mistakes he will make, this alone makes him unique in the last fifty years of American politics.