Worst Current Commercials


New member
Apr 8, 2008
What do you guys think are the worst current commercials?

I'm gonna have to go with the planters ones with the tranny walking around everywhere. I would love to see someone just drill that fuck in the face with a two by four.

Also, all avis ads blow.

There's a couple more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

EDIT: freecreditreport.com
Fucking Lipozene is the worst.

"Fat accumulates on your hips, thighs, and abdomen ..."
*Insert gun into mouth*

That car commercial where the guy thinks he's clever for turning the car alarm on and off.
probably. or the ones with billy mays because he makes me want to spend money on stuff that i don't need and probably doesn't work anyway. but i have to admit, he's a great salesman.
u realize all they are trying to do is brainwash you in to believing your fat, did a whole thing in school about that