How difficult is it to quit smoking?


May 14, 2008
It may sound like a silly question, because of course it is going to be difficult, I accept that! I am really asking: What makes it difficult? What can I use to hopefully make it a little easier?

I have smoked for about a year and a half, I hope that this is on my side! I smoke roughly 10/day. I started smoking prior to my A-Levels to try and deal with stress, depression and anxiety. Those feelings haven't really gone (they have improved), but I'm fed up of spending money I don't have on my habit and ultimately I know it's really bad for my health...I don't want to smoke!

My boyfriend smokes and says he isn't ready to quit yet, which I accept, it's a personal choice. I don't live with him, but probably stay with him about 3 times a week. I'm worried it's going to be hard with him still smoking, but he says he won't smoke around me.

Any advice would be highly appreciated :)
Hi Kate,
To quit smoking, consult your doctor, set a quit day and make it special for you. Avoid going to places where you might found smokers and ask your friends and family to support you. Save money you would spend on cigarettes and plan for a treat tomorrow. Workout regularly and have proper sleep.

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