I've never cooked before.what are some easy yet delicious food to make?


New member
Jul 9, 2013
Can you please tell me the recipe as well?
By the way,I was thinking of vegetables soup but i'd appreciate any other ideas!
Grilled cheese sandwich. Scrambled eggs and toast.Cook noodles and frozen mixed veg in canned chicken stock, add canned or chopped up rotisserie chicken-chicken noodle soup. Cook frozen mixed vegetables in canned stock, vegetable soup. Washh a whole potato, poke several deep holes in it with a fork-cook in 350F oven for 45 minutes or microwave for 8-10 minutes until soft, add butter, sour cream, chives, shredded cheese, broccoli, bacon bits-whatever sounds good.
You can't really go from zero to sixty with cooking. you have to start out really simple, learn basic techniques and get a feel for what flavors work well together. Ther's lots of help available from the internet or good basic cookbooks.