Looking at my workout plan, how long to see results on the gym?


Active member
May 16, 2008
I am quite skinny and I am planning to go gym more often. I am going to say what I planning to do in the gym and assuming I have am doing good with other factors of weight gaining and muscle repairsuch as eating and sleeping. Could you guys give me an estimation of when . Should start seeing results?

Before I start i just want to say that I am planning to train legs as a priority for a couple of week's, then upper body.

-20 minute warm-up/cardio (10 mins on cross trainer going progressively to a high level, 10 mins on cross trainer going around 14-16mph)

-unwieghted workouts (pushups and situps, etc), 5 sets with a variation of different reps) (leg workouts will probably do around 50 reps, arms around 20 and core around 35)

-weighted workouts (machines, dumbells), 3 sets with 6-8 reps (legs I push myself harder so they will get 6 reps, upperbody will get 8 reps), currently highest I can lift with legs (using leg press) is 130kg. With arms/chest (dumbbells and Long bar) is 12kg and 35 kg.

-Cool down is a less intense version of warm up for around 5 mins each

Thanow for any help
Well in my experience I started seeing results/Gains after about 2months , but I think this was because I'm a fat teen, but their are many factors that go seeing gains, my friend which is around average weight I started noticing him getting swole after about 3-4 months. But remember jay its gunna take a while to see results but don't give up if you ever find yourself losing motivation on going to the gym looks up Greg plitt quotevation, or Eric Thomas motivation video on YouTube they helped me keep going in the gym and don't ever try to impress somebody by lifting a weight you cant handle forget about what ppl say if your doing ligher weight then them you'll get their soon and here a thing I learn that will get you gains faster then anything you can do which how most important the form, speed, and very last the weight those are the key on getting the best results, also when you hit failure(the burn) try to stay in that zone cause that's when your body starts to change.

Good luck jay don't give :)
If your skinny
I'd drop the cardio on weight days

Split your body groups

Day 1 shoulders chest
Military presses
3-4 sets 6 reps
Incline bench presses
4 sets 4 to 6 reps
Flat bench presses
4 sets 4 to 6 reps

Day 2
Back legs arms

Bent over barbell rows
3 sets 10 8 8
Pull downs
3 sets 12 10 8

3 sets 15

Barbell curls 4 sets 6
Skull crushers 3 sets 12 10 8
Tricep pushdowns 3 sets 12 10 8

Wrist curls 3 sets 15

Rest day 3

Start again

Eat 4 to 5 meals a day. Keep your routines under 1 hour
Wait 90 seconds between sets and 3 minutes max between exercises

Work heavy in crease weight by 5 pounds each set

Bulking requires short heavy routines not hours of light pressing
I know
It's my routine for 20 years and I packed on 20
Kilos of weight
