Dumbest rumor youve heard about yourself?

There was a guy at work I'd always known had liked me. He acted a bit like it on his birthday, and after, a girl told me he had...he was afraid he'd ruined his chances by puking everywhere (he got drunk and passed out).

I later told a couple girls that he had liked me and I'd found it odd. They said what they had heard was that *I* liked him. I couldn't believe it. I'd never said I did because frankly, I never saw him that way. They said they were standing there when some girl told him I thought he was cute. This might have been what launched his little crush... I went up to him right after they told me that and I'd told him that what that random girl had said, or gossiped, was not true. He said he knew he wasn't my type. We're friends now. I don't think he's still interested though he does say some strange things from time to time (ie "You're *my* Jamie")
in high school, this guy spread around a rumor that i was a lesbian. i didn't know this was going on for a really long time, and apparently a lot of people believed it. i think some people still do, but i don't care, being called a lesbian isn't an insult.
I was rumoured to be a whore to the point that i had to change my cell phone number coz a lot of people was "asking me out". So annoying -_-.. This guy who wanted to be with me got jealous coz i was with someone else and spread the rumour to every guy he knew, giving my number and telling them im a whore, a cheap and good one. Glad it's over.