Can Somebody Give Me Some Song Writing Tips? (Alternative/Alt-Rock)?


Active member
May 14, 2008
So recently, I finished my "band equipment" set with drums, acoustic, bass, and Synth (FL Studio 11 Producer Edition) hoping that my friends and I could maybe release a few albums some day. I am 15 years old and mostly a guitarist and I spend a lot of time on my computer, so I'm naturally good with FL Studio. As much as I would like to start writing songs, I can't think outside my "mental box". I can't think of chords or original riffs I have a few favorite bands such as Of Monsters And Men, Wolf Gang (The British Alternative Band not Tyler the Creator), Walk the Moon, and Foster the People, so if this helps in thinning down the guidelines to writing alternative songs. Also, should I follow a song structure guideline? Or even an instrumental guideline, like bass, sub-bass, or something along that line?
I love Of Monsters and Men, Foster the People, and Walk the Moon as well, and aspire to write similar music one day, so while I'm not an expert, I've been able to extract a couple of pointers from the music.

You need a solid bass, ideally one that differentiates between more than just four chords. (You can see this very clearly in 'Pumped Up Kicks' by Foster the People.) Your other instruments should build over that with harmonic chords. Sing something. Hum a couple of melodies and turn them into basslines or guitar riffs.
I would finish this but I'm too sad
write about your hopes, dreams, things you love or don't understand. get a rhythm going in your head, and it will be easier from there.