GNC Mass XXX Pro Performance Questions?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I bought this super protein supplement it has 50g of protein and 990 calories per serving. Im trying to gain weight over the summer I run 70-80 miles per week but don't do weight lifting. Im 16 6' 1" 135 and need to gain weight will this do the trick? Also when should I take it before or after the workout?
I run 10 miles a day 6-7 days a week and will do interval work afterwards sometimes. I eat a shit ton of food, until Im full. I run a 4:27 mile and 1:56 800 in high school. I will likely run D1. Im very underweight and want to do something about it but its really hard for me to gain weight. My joints are more than used to it.
Ok i can't even tell if your serious..
First off 70-80 miles a week would be the equivalent to running 10+ miles a day which is not only awful for your joints, but well exceeds the definition of over training and to drink protein after?
I mean thats good and all, but running is cardio and instead i would have carbohydrates after.
Protein would be good if you were a beginner to help build muscle, but after that, a little protein would be good, but nothing major.
Also 6'1 and 135 lbs is really underweight.. and doing that much cardio and.. i can't even go on..

Stop running so damn much and focus on doing more weights then cardio..
Seriously dude, i'm not trying to bash you, but you're on a very unhealthy lifestyle right now.

I would focus on a high protein/carb enriched diet with an extensive weight training program to help you put on mass instead of trying to take pointless mass gainers while just running all the time.
It won't help.

and sorry, protein will help and is good to take after if you had a strong cardio session, but the point i'm getting at is.. Your just doing overkill