Is there a trend right now for men to grow (sweet) mullets?

Feb 17, 2013
I've seen about 4 different guys in my city in the past 2 days who have mullets! Like Billy Rae Cyrus 1980s hick mullets, lol. I don't really get what it is, but is this a trend that I've missed? These are guys in their 20s and I live in California. Yesterday I saw a guy and I thought "Omg he has a mullet!" because I never see that style in real life, but since then I've seen it a few more times, and that was just yesterday and today. lol
Hah! Yeah, sound like the mullet is making a comeback. Too bad it ain't popular to the younger generations. Not even Justin Bieber has one.

lol yeah, my friend that works in a salon said they're called, "fashion mullets." i don't care what fashion dictates, the mullet is never a good look.