Why doesn't Obama threaten to take fewer vacations and throw fewer parties


New member
Feb 21, 2013
when threatening to make cuts? Wouldn't that be more effective than his threats of laying off (locally funded) cops, teachers and first responders?
If $85 billion in sequester cuts is so bad, why wasn't $800 billion in stimulus so good? $85B is nothing but federal waste that has no return and the libs are scared $hitless in losing their little cush funding.
Hey now!!!! Can't we just eat cake!
Except that beans are now looking that's the way we are going.
A 7 million dollar Christmas vacation in Hawaii.
I could us an extra thousand.
Four more years of this Marxist/Socialist and our way of life is going to be a memory.
What, and miss this?
You better get back to work. He wants to go on another vacation. Michelle, too.