
  1. S

    Why do Americans work so many long hours for lower pay & fewer vacations than...

    ...most of the world? Threy get barely 2 weeks of vacation pe year and have low pay in USD currency and work twice as long as most of the world in a week. Why? Do they like being slaves? How can they call themselves 'free' when it shows they're not?
  2. Y

    Why doesn't Obama threaten to take fewer vacations and throw fewer parties

    when threatening to make cuts? Wouldn't that be more effective than his threats of laying off (locally funded) cops, teachers and first responders?
  3. T

    Adults With ADHD Commit Fewer Crimes When On Medication

    Criminal behaviour in people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) dropped sharply during periods when they were on medication, according to a new extensive registry study conducted at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The study that contained of over 25,000 individuals is...
  4. T

    Fewer Urban Accidents Likely A Result Of Cellphone Bans

    Cellphones and driving go together like knives and juggling. But when cellphone use is banned, are drivers any safer? It depends on where you're driving, a study by University of Illinois researchers says. The study found that, long-term, enacting a cellphone ban was associated with a relative...
  5. T

    Women Whose First Pregnancy Was Ectopic Have Fewer Children, Increased Risk Of Anothe

    Women whose first pregnancy is ectopic are likely to have fewer children in the following 20-30 years than women whose first pregnancy ends in a delivery, miscarriage or abortion, according to results from a study of nearly 3,000 women in Denmark. In addition, these women have a five-fold...
  6. T

    More Effective Drugs With Fewer Side Effects Likely With Development Of Synthetic Liv

    Medicines could be made to have fewer side effects and work in smaller doses with the help of a new technique that makes drug molecules more resistant to breakdown by the human liver. Researchers based at Princeton University reported in the journal Science that they created a synthetic enzyme...
  7. T

    Eggstra Special! New Analysis Shows More Vitamin D And Fewer Calories In Today's Eggs

    Official new data shows that today's eggs contain more than 70% more vitamin D and double the amount of selenium than when previous analyses were carried out 30 years ago. Today's eggs also contain around 20% less fat, more than 20% less saturated fat, around 13% fewer calories and more than 10%...
  8. A

    Fewer Women Racing For The Cure This Year: Bad For Komen, Good For Women?

    On Sunday, the Susan G. Komen Foundation will hold its annual Mother's Day Race for the Cure, one of the organization's biggest fundraising events. But this year, race registrations around the country have dropped significantly, a situation most are attributing to*Komen's February decision to...
  9. T

    Brain Implants For Epileptic Seizures: New Early Warning System Could Lead To Fewer F

    Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide, but in a third of these cases, medication cannot keep seizures from occurring. One solution is to shoot a short pulse of electricity to the brain to stamp out the seizure just as it begins to erupt. But brain implants designed to do this have run...
  10. A

    Don’t Fool Yourself: Kraft Whipped Peanut Butter Has Fewer Calories Per Serving, But

    In the U.S., we don't get eat a lot of Kraft peanut butter. But the teddy-bear-swaddled product is a Canadian staple, whose success the food manufacturer is hoping to re-create with a new, gross-sounding*twist on the old standard: whipped peanut butter. But don't be tricked by Kraft's crafty...
  11. A

    Why We’re Eating Fewer Trans Fats, And How Sugar Could Be Next

    The amount of trans fats found in American's bloodstream*has declined by more than 50% since the Food and Drug Administration began requiring companies to include trans fats on nutrition labels. The "unusually big and abrupt" drop shows how minor government regulations, public awareness and the...
  12. T

    Following Canada's Common Drug Review Fewer Drugs Listed On Public Drug Plans But Fas

    A new study published in CMAJ discovered that, since the 2003 introduction of Canada's Common Drug Review, the number of drugs covered by public drug plans has considerably decreased. There are 19 public drug plans in Canada. In 2010, these plans accounted for approximately 39% of the projected...
  13. T

    Stroke Prevention Trial Reveals High-Risk Patients Without Stents Implanted Had Fewer

    Specialists in Stony Brook University School of Medicine's Departments of Neurology and Neurological Surgery took part in a nationwide National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored clinical trial, the results of which showed that patients at high risk for a second stroke had a lower risk of...
  14. T

    Hot Flashes May Be Fewer In Older, Heavier Women

    A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that among women aged 60 and above, heavier women have fewer hot flashes than their leaner counterparts. The inverse association between body size and hot flashes was...
  15. T

    Poultry Farms That Go Organic Have Significantly Fewer Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

    Antibiotic use in conventional animal food production in the United States has created public health concern because it has been shown to contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can potentially spread to humans. A new study, led by Dr. Amy R. Sapkota of the University...
  16. T

    Fewer Pistachio Calories Absorbed By Body Than First Thought?

    Although pistachios are known to have a high fat content, their fat may not be completely absorbed by the body, i.e. for humans, they may contain fewer calories than we first thought, researchers from reported in the British Journal of Nutrition. A randomized, controlled-feeding trial carried...
  17. V

    Would fewer people complain about airport searches if the guards were attractive?

    Why should the TSA spend all that money on expensive body scanning equipment, when they could just hire some attractive guards instead? Double the pay and hire some really attractive people.
  18. J

    Are these valid reasons for fewer blacks in baseball?

    1. no chance for MLB straight from high school or one year of college (like in FB and BB) 2. usually have to complete four years of college and spend several years in the minors (again, unlike other sports) 3. celebration (as in end zones and after dunks) is non-existent in baseball...you get...
  19. T

    Report: Fewer People Than Expected Chose COBRA Subsidy

    Fewer people than expected chose to use the COBRA subsidy offered by the federal government, according to an analysis by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, The New York Times Prescriptions blog reports. The report notes that few people purchased COBRA coverage after losing their jobs, even...
  20. A

    do you agree with Dubya that low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people

    going to the polls? And how about "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."? Would you agree with that? What about "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."? Thanks. Lib- Obama's one misspeak doesn't hold a candle to Bush's hundreds ;) and by the way, I didn't...