Dream about Christ returning hours before news of the pope's resignation


Jun 12, 2008
went public...? Basically last night, I dreamed that Christ was returning. It was a great dream, peaceful and super exciting. Everyone was scared but couldn't wait for it to happen. The return happen at the exact predicted moment but everyone just knew that it was happening. Specific details are irrelevant. I am Catholic, but not devout.

Coincidence? ;)
Your dream could have been God created just as the lightening strike on the Vatican was.After the new Pope is selected the False Prophet will be in place leaving only the Anti-Christ yet to come to power.When that occurs it will trigger the return of Jesus :emot0: in what is known as the Rapture.
Yes, it is a coincidence prompted by your irrational believe in God. By the way, Jesus, if he did exist, was not only a false messiah, but also a mortal, delusional, lying, lunatic.
let's hope an angel was working out some good thoughts in your dreaming brain. some might say - is it time for you to think about the spiritual life a little more?
You probably spend all of your time thinking about Jesus (to which I say, you should get a vibrator to help with that problem) so it's no wonder you dreamed about the guy.

I don't think it's healthy to fantasize about fictional characters on that level. I'm sure you're a pretty girl and are capable of attracting a real man who will actually have sex with you. If you happen to be a brunette with long legs, I volunteer myself.
There's still a bit of time. Not everything that the Bible said would happen before his return has happened yet. We're getting close, though...