The truth about the 2nd coming of christ!!!!!?


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Hello my fellow brotheren of christ. I am here to inform you the truth about the 2nd coming of christ.

many of us believe that know one will know when christ will return. and it will be a major surprise. BUT, I have news for you.... it was a surprise..... but no one... was aware of his return.

lets recap for a second here. Who killed Jesus? THE JEWS

now tell me if you were murdered by the jews and you were immortal would you want revenge? I think so!

Now my fellow brotheren i give you the truth! it may be hard to swallow at first and i will accept the fact that some people just are not ready to accept this fact.

Jesus returned as Hitler.

yes it is quite true. Jesus who was furious with the people who could not accept his miracle making ways came back to earth as a great leader who not only took a whole country out of poverty but, also, manipulated the germans peoples minds to go with his master plan. plus he killed many jews as revenge for their murderous deeds!

who else could possess this much power? no man besides the lord jesus christ!

When jesus's Body was put in the cave and when people went to see if it was still there it was not. he disapeared after he died. Hitler's body was also missing after he lost ww2. coincidence? I Think Not!!

now shoot your ridicule at me!! tell me i am wrong!! but i know that i am right!!!!!!!!

LONG LIVE JESUS AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It can truthfully be said that God used the demonic Hitler to indirectly prepare for the second coming of Christ.Because Hitler slaughtered so many Jews,the United Nations gave them their own nation;one of the Bible mandated requirements that must be met before Jesus returns in the very near future.
When speaking to Abraham, God said concerning Israel, "I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you." Why would God go against His own words? Hitler Hated the Jews who are Israel.
You need to go to your doctor and have him up your medication. You are clearly chemically unbalanced and not fit to move around in society.
live long zeus jesus is your god not mine so keep it to yourself.... zeus bless you!!!!!
You made me LOL so loud! (//_^) I haven't laugh like that since I was a kid, but I do wonder if you're perfectly sane or not. (//_•)
Jesus was nothing more than an invented composite character and therefore not real. He could not have been killed, but the fictional NT story does mention that the Romans killed him. But why not, they were the persons who invented the non-real Jesus. You need to quit using whatever it is that you are using and try to learn just a tad more about what is true and what is bull sheet.
Um...I'm not a Christian, but what the hell happened to "thou shall not commit murder", or whatever it actually says? What are you on?