Do some Christians seriously believe that sex is sinful and was the original sin?


New member
Aug 11, 2008
If sex is sinful, then, why did God command Adam and Eve, Man and Woman, to go forth and multiply?
No, sex within holy matrimony is not sinful. God married Adam & Eve and told them to have sex and make babies.
Sex isn't a sin, it was in fact created by God to be something beautiful and very very special between a husband and a wife, so that they could experience that special kind of intimacy. The sinful side of sex is when people treat it like something cheap, like porn or whatever, or like boasting about how many people you've slept with etc. That also means sleeping with someone outside of marriage, or sleeping with someone else's husband or wife.
There are many who say they are Christians, but who take a man's word for truth, instead of studying God's word, to find what is really TRUTH.

These deceived souls believe the lie, that sex was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This lie has passed down from ancient times, to now. It was blast into our time by a false prophet, named william branham. many folks follow his teachings, without questioning.

Just this week, I asked a man, who has been preaching many years, what is that tree. He answered, sex. I asked for a scripture saying this. He said, there is none. see! knowing it is not in God's word, yet still holds to this lie.

I then asked, what was the first blessing God put on man. He had no idea. see...God blessed them and SAID, BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY and replenish the earth.

So, sex is a blessing, ONLY IF YOU USE IT RIGHTLY. Sex can be very sinful, if you go to it wrongly.

Husband and wife, this is the only right way.

but what is that tree of knowledge of sin? Romans 3:20, clearly states, by the LAW IS THE KNOWLEDGE OF SIN.
Romans 4, 5 and 7 prove this without a doubt. Yet men, preaching for many years, have no clue. why? they do not study the word they pretend to teach.

Yes, many people hold that sex is this original sin. But what was that sin? It is in Eze 28...and 31. Adam desired to be GOD, ABOVE GOD, AND TO BE WORSHIPED.
Adam became that old serpent. he deceived his wife, the help meet, God had given to him, to lead him back to God.

Now, is there anyone out there who can accept the God-given truth?
It's not sinful, it's just another example of God giving us something good and some people abusing it.