Would like to hear stories from people that had LASIK done in the past 2 yrs.?


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I'm scheduled for LASIK surgery next wk. After doing a lot of research and talking to friends. Most have recommended this procedure. However, looking at this website lasikcomplications.com, it has really freaked me out. I expected my eyes to be dry and get the halo + light sensitivity, but this website has really scared me. I'm considered a good candidate and my eye sight is -4.5 for both eyes with slight astigmatism. I understand that ultimatley this is my decision to make. But would like to hear some stories from the people that have had LASIK surgery in the past 2 years. Whether you recommend it and what sort of complications you had. For example over dilated pupils pre-op etc.....
Thanks for sharing.