Is it worth to buy an android phone while I have a perfectly working Symbian phone?


New member
Dec 2, 2011
If it works fine and you're pleased with it, you don't have to buy an android just to keep up with the Jones'. But, as an android user, they're great. Most of the apps that cost money with apple products are free with android. There is a wide variety so you can pick one that fits you best. The only thing I have had difficulty with is figuring out how to customize my background. Also, depending on the phone you may experince glitches but they can usually be fixed. Hope this helps.
I've been considering an S60 phone about a year and a half ago, and I'm very happy I chose Android. The battery is maybe worse, and the camera, but everything else is so much better. Web browsing is way better, social networking is incomparable, speed is immensely better, and the apps are, well, astounding. Same goes for the widget support. Everything is just several steps above the S60. I still like their simpler business models though, because of the good battery, speed and stability, but that way you lose even more OS ability. The notifications are just phenomenal, too. That's something I would hate to lose.

So, to me, it's absolutely worth it. Same goes for the iPhone (I don't like the iOS, but I do understand it's great sides, and it is a great phone no matter what I like). On the other hand, if it's a good S60 phone, and you haven't really experienced something as powerful as Android or iOS (and gotten used to living with it day in, day out), you can be patient for a while longer. It will get the job done.
It's only 6 months old.
It's only 6 months old and typing on its resistive touch is a pain.
the only advantage that android has over symbian is triple the amount of novelty apps and games.
Some ppl seem to think thats the most important thing to have in a phone.
Im a long time symbian user who has a life so i would never switch because i know with nokia i am getting a durable and reliable device that will do what its meant to do.
And as someone who has been using nokias operating systems long enuf to see the evolution of s40 to s60, then s60 to symbian^3, this latest version is just as good in these devices as others, probably better. Only true phone geeks, hackers and those with no lives would think that having a phone full of a thousand games and apps and being able to tweak and hack ur phone to do the most trivial things, constitutes an 'awesome' device.