Should I get an Android phone or should I just go with a symbian?


New member
Dec 16, 2011
I'm getting a new phone soon but I'm on a tight budget. I want to get an android phone but the ones I have been looking at don't have great reviews. The symbian ones on the other hand look good and affordable.

My question is, Is Symbian still up to date or should I upgrade to an android phone?
It is always suggestible to go for an Android device. Because there are many applications and support being put in place for Android based devices on day to day basis.
nokia will continue to update symbian til 2016 and will then assess the situation. Thats 4 years away. How long do u keep ur phones. Because even if they stop updating it, its not like ur phone wont stop working. It will still have all its features and apps and internet access. Most ppl who go on about it are just going on about not having the latest talking animal or distracting game apps....most normal ppl dont care about stuff like that.